So my question was, is rebooting once the battery reaches 5% - as reported by the System - a way to speed up the calibration of Battery Left app? See what I'm saying?
No, thats what I was trying to explain about "increments".... when your sys gets down to 5%, the mv reading is still dropping regardless of what that % says and also time still counts down.
Battery left is watching the time trying to measure what the system is reporting verses whats really happening so next time it sees the system report "thus and so", it will give an accurage readout instead because it "learned" how long it took for your battery to die "after the 5% mark".
I think mv readings may be coming into play in this too.
Regardless.. if you reboot when it hits 5%, you will lose the calibration info from that point down because battery left can't trust the readout once you reboot.
I suppose battery left may not know the difference between a "reboot" verses the battery dying either.... "something Matt will have to clarify"
Possibly once its monitoring the mv readings, it will be able to tell the difference for sure.
Regardless once you get it set and fully calibrated... rebooting will not throw a monkey wrench into the equation because the equation is already logged "calibrated" and while its technically still learning and drops off old info "not sure how many cycles ago" just because you rebooted and forced it to toss new info pertaining to that zone "increment" it won't affect the prior calibration reading.
He says the longer you use it, the longer it has to learn your habits.
I for one, sometimes use pretty aggressively and other times not.... so it will end up giving me an average of all.
I've asked him to make it follow mv readings too, so it can alter itself to some degree for those erratic "out of the norm" uses and still be accurate.
Counting time alone will not be accurate as the Seidio extended battery last long enough that a lot of things can happen in 50 - 70 hours.
Sorry to be so long winded in my thoughts.... guess thats how I earned the name "windy"!