You sound like you work for VZW? I have had 5 Blackberries before this phone and no issue with the battery life on those. And yes I agree with you the Droid can do allot of things a whole lot more than any BB. But when all I do is the minimal to keep me between charges. I don't use the phone for voice only for data.
If you don't think that there can be an issue with to little battery, than why did they give me two batteries when I bought my Boulder?
Task killer and powerbar are your friends, until there is an acceptable battery alternative. Turn off GPS and WiFi when not in use. Test any programs with widgets. If you can kill them periodically without errors, do so. Weatherbug gets annoying when you kill it. Keep a watch on your battery usage in Settings. With always on services, your battery will drain faster. My Kaiser went from 2 days on a charge to 1 day just from the extra drain when I went from WinMo 6 to WinMo 6.5. All that eye candy and instant data comes with a price. I won't run that tumor looking extended battery, so until a slim one with extra capacity comes along, I'll sync manually, and keep the screen dimmer. And stay away from Robo Defense. That game is murder on a battery.