Small keyboard pet peeve but it's driving me a little nuts


Aug 3, 2010
Reaction score
On the stock (not Swype) keyboard, if you type something and add the first " it auto backspaces the quote mark to the end of the last word. For example:

Instead of typing like this:

hey she said "wow that's a nice [insert sexual innuendo here]"

It auto corrects it to:

hey she said" wow that's a nice..."

Maybe this is me being nit picky but that's pretty inane and somewhat annoying if you are using the Droid X to type emails. It doesn't come up often in text messaging but sometimes I need to quote people in my emails.
Yeah that's a sort of known bug that is very odd...happens with all punctuation it seems. Not a great solution, but you could try another keyboard. I use Smart Keyboard Pro and it's absolutely perfect and has a ton of cool features.
I am flabbergasted at the state of virtual keyboards on the Droid X.

I prefer Better Keyboard over Smart Keyboard Pro simply because Better Keyboard knows that id should be I'd and because it doesn't hassle you to make a choice after doing voice-to-text.

Nevertheless, here's what I did. Purchase them all. Ultimate Keyboard might be another good one to try. Try them out for 24 hours and decide on buying one or more of them. Return the rest. (I kept Better and Smart.) Best $3 to $6 you'll ever spend. Plus, it opens the door to buying other apps...which can be very cool. It's hard to break the seal of spending money on apps but go for it! Unfortunately, the X's keyboards make the seal-breaking virtually mandatory. Man, I am carrying on!
Best reason to upgrade to really ANY other keyboard: Long press on keys enters alt symbols and numbers...

I'm going to check out Better Keyboard...though I really am happy with Smart. :)
Best reason to upgrade to really ANY other keyboard: Long press on keys enters alt symbols and numbers...

You're right. I'm thinking of buying it for my Droid 1.

Smart Keyboard looked prettier so the only reason I think Better Keyboard is better for me is the 2 issues I mentioned above. On the X, I'm going to hold onto Smart and Better in hopes of some cool updates. Now I'm wondering about Ultimate Keyboard too. Some people install keyboards from other the HTC keyboard, but I'm a little paranoid about installing a keyboard from a random web download.
Are those keyboards spaced the same and about the same size at the DX?
Are those keyboards spaced the same and about the same size at the DX?

They don't take up the whole screen in portrait mode like the stock keyboard, if that's what you're asking. I think there's a free keyboard lite you can try.
Ah, I love the way it takes up the whole screen, so I'll pass. It makes it easier for me to type with my big hands. I can actually type faster on this than on my original Droid with the hardware keyboard.
Well, you might want to try it anyway. It definitely takes up the whole screen lengthwise. You can set them to show suggestions or not if you want to take up more space.