HiAbove the keys them self on top of the letters are symbols. I guess you can access these without going to the symbols button? If so how do you do it?
just long press to get the symbols
HiAbove the keys them self on top of the letters are symbols. I guess you can access these without going to the symbols button? If so how do you do it?
HiAbove the keys them self on top of the letters are symbols. I guess you can access these without going to the symbols button? If so how do you do it?
just long press to get the symbols
well, it's a bit strange that you find the algorithm worse than the one of the stock keyboard, as I reused exactly the same code ! However I don't think that the original dictionary is very good, but it's lot of time to improve such a thing, so I started with that... About the problem you describe, I think this is because "Haha" is in your user dictionary, right ? The words from the user dictionary have a very high priority in the suggestion list, so that could explain... Indeed there is room for improvement, but again "my" dictionary is not supposed to be different from the original one. Do you have other examples, with words which are not in your user dictionary ?However, the dictionary is really really relaly bad. It has the worst suggestiions. i think something is wrong with its algorithm. For example. i type ao, which the closest suggestion on normal android keyboard(and my intention of typing was thus) and instead of suggesting so, it suggests Haha? this is pretty bad. Ive noticed it for most everything ive typed. the dictionary is actually correcting me worse than my normal spelling
Yes I see lots of people reported this, but as it never happens to me I cannot diagnose the cause of this problem... Is it reproducible easily, and when does it happen exactly ?oh, and one more bug. I have amotorola droid, and when typing usually the first time i press spacebar in a message it automatically changes my keyboard to symbols when i dont want to... is there a way this could be fixed? i know some people shared this same problem on the free versioon as well.
swiping is enabled. but it happened before that was an option anyway. Also, i think the other example i noticed was i typed something like pwrson and it wanted to correct it to perosonified or personal instead of person which is the obvious choice. as i see more errors ill start taking tabs on them and posting them here so you can see them and perhaps work on them. Thanks man.
i had to return the keyboard for now, i will purchase it again when it is more fixed. as of now the stock 2.1 keyboard which also seems to work with multitouch, and seems more precise as of now.
i do appreciate all the hard work. so thank you.
I bought it immediately. Bouncing between it and two others to see what differences crop up. One thing that I notice is that the other solutions, when encountering a name, uppercase the first character. I'm not sure how they know what's a name and what isn't but here if I type "tim" or "chris" I get it exactly that way.
Additionally the first character I type should be set to uppercase in my opinion.
More as I encounter it. Great job. Get some rest.