Lastly, please forgive any perception of a lack of thankfulness on my part. What you're doing is very appreciated. I only get involved when I get excited about apps done by people that seem to really care and that look like they have the potential to think beyond just their own world view. This is one of those cases.
Uh oh, here comes the other member of the tag team on Cyril.

Agrajag, I completely concur with you regarding contributing feedback to apps with real potential and developers who care. The way I see it, two of Android's most important applications, Keyboard & Browsing, still haven't seen applications that are really platform defining, but I think xScope and Smart Keyboard have that potential.
I also agree that swiping symbol secondaries is potentially huge, but completely understand your priorities here, Cyril. You've really done an outstanding job taking the time to listen to us beta testers and implementing improvements. It's time for you to start making some money on the market.
I couldn't find the TouchPal beta download anywhere, but you can also check out the Swype beta for clues on an implementing, as they use something similar for auto-capitalization. Probably defining the upper keyboard boundary as a 1 pixel hitbox or something.
So as you move toward adding auto-correct functionality I have one question and one suggestion:
1. I noticed that a letter input is initiated by onPress but letter registration is defined by onRelease. If I hit A and swipe to S horizontally, S is registered; same with going from say G to Y vertically. Should this type of swipe perhaps register as a non-input for now to help prevent user input errors? Eventually, if you were to re-visit swipe-up-for-secondaries functionality, this would be exactly the behavior you'd be assigning to that method. Not a big deal, but just something I figured I'd bring to your attention.
2. Ironically the one thing that slows me down more than anything is Auto-correct. Google's implementation doesn't give users enough control over manual reordering of word priority, it doesn't learn fast enough, NOR does it provide the option to disable useless words and names from the dictionary like 'Cummings' in my case.
I'd love to see an option where I can long-press the autocorrect bar and go into an auto-correct configure menu where I can re-rank that particular word choice and manually disable specific dictionary entries from the auto-correct word list presented. A sub menu also accessible from keyboard settings would potentially show the database of disabled words and have the ability to manually disable others via search.
Thanks again, Cyril. We're all pulling for your success on this one. Time to cue the dancing bananas.

:icon_ banana::icon_ banana::icon_ banana: