So how many new Rezound owners do we have?

They have done away with it now, but I had that credit since it was still there when I had resigned and got the droid. It was the last one that I had of my 3 lines.
Still, getting it for $50 with the ear buds....VERY happy camper. :hail: Seen a lot of people say the ear buds are crap....but mine sound pretty darn good. The in line mic is nice too since I do a lot of walking and won't miss any calls.

I agree. They are nice and I like that feature too. It worked well when my wife called me when I was mowing the lawn the other day. But I wouldn't pay $100 for them.

This was posted using my Rezound.
I had the rezound back in Nov. But for some stupid reason I returned it for a gnex when it first came out. Boy was I dumb for doing that. Right out of the box it really sucked. Bad signal. At my house I would get 4g with my rezound but with my gnex,nothing at all. So I gave the gnex to my wife and decided to use one of my other upgrades for a razr. It was alright but the antenna really sucked on it. Constant 4g drops and I would not get a 4g signal at my house. So, after about 2 weeks I traded it for a iPhone 4s. My first iphone. Boy, that was even a dumber mistake. After 2 days of owning it I got rid of it on Craigslist and actually found someone to trade with me for a Rezound. I am glad I came back. Now I can get 4g at my home and hold it. The only thing I don't like about the rezound is the keyboard. Stock keyboard really lags a lot especially when I type. So after some research I finally found a keyboard that doesn't lag when I type. Smart keyboard works great but the spelling prediction kind of sucks but that's alright. In all, the rezound is by far the best verizon phone out there. Hands down. I love it.

Sent from my HTC Rezound

You should try 'Swiftkey' keyboard. It's awesome and has the best prediction method out there.
A happy Rezound owner here !

I saw a couple people say something about a different keyboard. I'm using Thumb Keyboard 4 (you can find it in the Play Store). It's pretty neat, and you can do some customizing to it as well. My favorite so far !
2 weeks ago, I needed to trade/return back a defective Tbolt after 2 bad ones..and being a pissed off 17 yr+, Bell Atlantic (!) >VZW customer in good standing..requested firmly, for a NEW RZ beats w/ the 39.99 offer and we will call it square,after an hour phone hagling and talking respectevly ,to a (elevated) normal VZW CS person, agreeed to ext. my 2yr. contract..w/ an extended warranty.I got the upgrade /restocking fees waived,+ free shipping .
Great people. Great device.

Wonder..?.. if ATT or anyone else would make a mad New Jersey person happy again.:biggrin:
2 weeks ago, I needed to trade/return back a defective Tbolt after 2 bad ones..and being a pissed off 17 yr+, Bell Atlantic (!) >VZW customer in good standing..requested firmly, for a NEW RZ beats w/ the 39.99 offer and we will call it square,after an hour phone hagling and talking respectevly ,to a (elevated) normal VZW CS person, agreeed to ext. my 2yr. contract..w/ an extended warranty.I got the upgrade /restocking fees waived,+ free shipping .
Great people. Great device

Still have unlimited data?
OH yes..made sure not a semi colon or word or..etc. was touched. Know that game. ..I checked and made it clear..b4 we hung up the phone..with all that was going on I saved the "dont fk with my settings" speech right at the end .. b4 we played back the agreement. Nothing was altered ...same terms just extended till Dec 14.

I run YOUTUBE all 2day @ 4g just because.
I bought the Nexus on launch day when I was in total fanboy mode. After two weeks I got fed up with all the issues and horrid camera, so I exchanged it for the Rezound.

The Rezound had been absolutely flawless since January. I didn't even care about rooting. But just this last week I finally unlocked/rooted the phone. Didn't mess with any ROMs though, just removed bloat and Sense.

I see this phone easily lasting 2+ years without having to worry about it being too under-powered like the D1.

Sent from my ADR6425LVW using DroidForums
You should try 'Swiftkey' keyboard. It's awesome and has the best prediction method out there.

I did try it and the beta also. It was still lagging on my rezound. Probably cause I am a very fast typer. Plus with smart keyboard I have the keyboard keys customized black with the key lines in red just like the color of the rezound. Found someone on another forum who customized it. I really like it and it does not lag one bit. Just the spelling prediction is not that great. But ohh well.

Sent from my HTC Rezound
I purchased the Rezound via the $50 promo. I simply love this phone! I came from a Motorola Droid Bionic, had 3 of them and none worked right.
Hey everyone....I got the Rezound on Verizons "Leap Year sale" they did end Feb for $99, it went back to $199 then I saw the drop to $50. I was originally scoping the rezound or razr @ the end of 2011 but the $299 was a bit hefty at the time when I had a perfectly working evo4g (sprint)...But ultimately after 1yr 3 mos of "unlimited" SLOW 3G speed data in my part of NH ...I went back to red.....It will be ages before sprint gets their sh*t together. So far LOVE the rezound a lot more than the evo regardless of the network bonuses with verizon and the obvious speed advantages (4glte became avail here a few months back on Vzn). In the end, the rezound just fit better in my hand and I loved the screen as compared to the razr (just my preference), the removable battery is something I must have and also I was already really comfy with htc. The rezound's camera is in my op awesome especially vs what I had on the evo (AWFUL). But the price ultimately is what caused me to really pounce on the if only we get the ICS :cus: which was one of the other reasons I wanted a newer model and got on board knowing EARLY 2012 we'd have it.....evo4g wasn't going to get the upgrade being an older model. Only weird thing is this past sat am....I woke to look at phone to check time (had to be on road by 3pm) on the phone it was 2:01pm it was really 9:57am.....weird NEVER happened to me on any phone b4.I refreshed a few times before I ran to check the time on the kitchen clock. :icon_eek: