So how many new Rezound owners do we have?

I don't have a hate for Sense, common or otherwise... I would however rather see it as a choice like ADW, Launcher Pro, or Go Launcher. My problem with Sense is that it's so pervasive and nigh impossible to dig out that I can't even get close to stock Android(which I've loved since my OG Droid). Even if I use another launcher, Sense is still lurking in the background. I understand that I bought an HTC phone and that's just part of the deal, but I'd rather keep Android as open as possible. Plus through extensive research I found out, I'm not a widget guy nor am I a social media addict. Both of which seem to be at the core of Sense. Just my $0.02

I hear ya. And thanks for a Sense-ible response (sorry).

I read one review that made it sound like there was a very noticeable lag due to the ui. Other comments include the ever-so-helpful "it sucks." It seems to work fine for me, but I understand the drive for openness.

Sent from my HTC Rezound using Tapatalk 2
Just got my Rezound last week - upgraded from an old Samsung Convoy, so got the phone for $20.00. The phone is still smarter than I am, but think I'm catching up This forum is a must read for Droid users. Thanks for being here!
Just got my Rezound last week - upgraded from an old Samsung Convoy, so got the phone for $20.00. The phone is still smarter than I am, but think I'm catching up This forum is a must read for Droid users. Thanks for being here!

Congrats on the good deal and welcome to our humble hallow in the wild and woolly internet jungle.
This isn't rezound specific but if anyone hasn't put dropbox on their phone - they are crazy!! ;) Seriously, the latest version of dropbox with it's auto image uploading is so sweet. I take a photo with my Rezound and within seconds it is accessible on my computer and iPad - very fun and quite useful. Use at a party - set the camera uploads folder on your computer as a slideshow folder and as you snap photos they will appear in the slideshow in near realtime. This is when I start to get really excited about living in the future :) <- my referall link to Dropbox. I think they give you 3GB on top of the 2GB if you set images to upload automatically.
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I have 5GB free(for a year), but since I never plan on paying for dropbox I keep my usage to a minimum. I just fear them saying "Want access to your files? Well pay us $XX/year"
I have 5GB free(for a year), but since I never plan on paying for dropbox I keep my usage to a minimum. I just fear them saying "Want access to your files? Well pay us $XX/year"

Because it is storage AND sync I don't quite see how they could hold your files hostage. They are all sitting on my computer too. But they could certainly start charging at some point, I think they hope they hook ya with the free service and you will need to upgrade to paid at some point but 5GB is an awful lot of phone photos.

It's important to note that G+ will let you do this with Google and your photos too, though they don't sync down, they stay in the cloud on their servers.

Hope that helps.
The terms of service for google drive essentially states that once files are up loaded to google, they are goggles property and "google" can do anything they want to them, including distributing the files, whatever they may be. They do say that you maintain intellectual property rights....

Sent from my Rezound using DroidForums
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The terms of service for google drive essentially states that once files are up loaded to google, they are goggles property and "google" can do anything they want to them, including distributing the files, whatever they may be. They do say that you maintain intellectual property rights....

CNET Mobile - News

Sent from my Rezound using DroidForums

If you read any of El Goog's TOS's I'm sure they all read similarly. Mostly because they're all beta products. If you read one of the corporate products TOS I'm sure it's vastly different in terms of who owns what.
Thoughts after owning for 1 month

Well almost a month.. . .

Quite happy with this phone, love the screen, the snappiness and the camera (except macro -see below)

Battery life isn't great, its fine for normal use but I am a normal+ user ;) and if I am out using the GPS and screen/camera lots the battery doesn't last. I bought two spares and an external charger Laza Zcell 1620mah HTC Rezound 2x Battery + Charger + Travel Case Combo: Cell Phones & Accessories Batteries seem almost as good as HTC brand, the charger that they came with takes forever and a day to charge, it literally takes 6 hours to charge a battery but it is nice to be able to charge a battery outside of the phone.

Macro - I find it VERY difficult if not impossible to get the camera to focus in macro mode if there is a background that can be focused on, even if the object fills the screen/frame it will try to focus on the background. If you are smart about your composition and what you select as the focus point you have better success but it takes a bit of work.

Refused to focus on flower 10.18.02.jpg

Got it to focus on leaf (I guess enough filled the frame) 10.19.16.jpg

GPS -At walking speeds with the screen off the GPS can jump all over the place giving erroneous results when tracking hikes. This is actually a huge bummer and I really hope they fix this soon. Here is a screen shot of a recent walk recorded in MyTracks app - this was a simple walk up and down the street and when the screen is on the GPS has no issues, off however and you can see the red lines that jump off in different directions.

Again - overall I am quite happy with this phone and the rumors of May 7th or shortly after for ICS are certainly exciting.

Thanks for reading.

GPS -At walking speeds with the screen off the GPS can jump all over the place giving erroneous results when tracking hikes. This is actually a huge bummer and I really hope they fix this soon. Here is a screen shot of a recent walk recorded in MyTracks app - this was a simple walk up and down the street and when the screen is on the GPS has no issues, off however and you can see the red lines that jump off in different directions.

Again - overall I am quite happy with this phone and the rumors of May 7th or shortly after for ICS are certainly exciting.

Thanks for reading.


Are you sure you weren't drunk? :biggrin: JK!! I haven't used Mytracks on this phone yet but I use NOOM (a fitness tracker) on my daily walks and it is pretty accurate. Speed is off tells me I'm walking 4.5 mph sometimes when that is jogging. Otherwise, it does pretty good at tracking my walks. Will give Mytracks a shot and see if I get the same results.
Got the Rezound for 2weeks now. Upgraded from droid X. Definitely a big difference! Specially the 4g network. No major complaints here so far. Nothing I haven't expected such as batt life.
Had to choose between Nexus, Maxx, and this. What made me decide to pick the Rezound is the 1.5ghz speed, 720p screen resolution. 2MP front facing camera. The preinstalled Beats software with the free $100 Beats earphones was definitely a bonus!

So far so good. Just waiting for ICS update.
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Email Response Lag

I gave up on my Original Moto Droid (mainly because of endlessly frustrating re-draw delays), and bought a Rezound. I love the Rezound except for one major thing. Often, the gmail has a delay in responding to any command. If it weren't for the tactile feedback, I would be hitting Back (or send, or discard, or whatever) twice because I think it hasn't 'taken' the first time.

After many times of going Back two steps, because I hit Back twice because I didn't think it acknowledged the first one, I have come to realize that there is just a significant delay in gmail response with this phone. For all it's faults, my Original Moto Droid was instant in recognizing email commands.

Is it just my Rezound, or do others have this delayed response experience?

Is it just my Rezound, or do others have this delayed response experience?


I haven't experienced this. The only quirk I've had is it went into bootloop once.

Sent from my HTC Rezound using Tapatalk 2
WallyIAm said:
I haven't experienced this. The only quirk I've had is it went into bootloop once.

Sent from my HTC Rezound using Tapatalk 2

Had you just been USB connected to your PC before the bootloop? I have had the bootloop twice and I think both times I had been playing with USB connection right before it bootloop on a restart.