So how many new Rezound owners do we have?

ShellyDirects said:
I gave up on my Original Moto Droid (mainly because of endlessly frustrating re-draw delays), and bought a Rezound. I love the Rezound except for one major thing. Often, the gmail has a delay in responding to any command. If it weren't for the tactile feedback, I would be hitting Back (or send, or discard, or whatever) twice because I think it hasn't 'taken' the first time.

After many times of going Back two steps, because I hit Back twice because I didn't think it acknowledged the first one, I have come to realize that there is just a significant delay in gmail response with this phone. For all it's faults, my Original Moto Droid was instant in recognizing email commands.

Is it just my Rezound, or do others have this delayed response experience?


My phone isn't great at getting email even though I have it set to push the email and it comes through hours or days later.
My phone isn't great at getting email even though I have it set to push the email and it comes through hours or days later.

If you're using the stock mail app...don't. It doesn't work right. Try K-9, Kaiten, Enhanced Email, etc...
Had you just been USB connected to your PC before the bootloop? I have had the bootloop twice and I think both times I had been playing with USB connection right before it bootloop on a restart.

I haven't experienced this. The only quirk I've had is it went into bootloop once.

Nope. I foolishly popped in my spare battery to recharge, after it had been sitting for two weeks. The phone apparently did not appreciate this.
MrSmith317 said:
If you're using the stock mail app...don't. It doesn't work right. Try K-9, Kaiten, Enhanced Email, etc...

Thanks Mr. Smith I will give that a try. I to have problems with Gmail using the app from Google play. Hopefully those you mentioned will be better.

Sent from my HTC Rezound
Finally got it in the mail (3 weeks after ordering...) and this is a very great phone :happy3:. It's fast, and everything works. I was worried that I wouldn't like Sense, but it really looks much nicer than stock Gingerbread.
scy1192 said:
Finally got it in the mail (3 weeks after ordering...) and this is a very great phone :happy3:. It's fast, and everything works. I was worried that I wouldn't like Sense, but it really looks much nicer than stock Gingerbread.

Congrats and welcome to Club Rezound.

Sent from my HTC Rezound using Droid Forums
Mine should be arriving today. Verizon is sending me a rezound after countless problems with many Motorola phones. I am really hoping to have a better experience with htc. I just want a phone that works on a somewhat regular basis!
I got my and my wife's Rezound when the price ell from $299 to $199.We gave our Lg Revolutions to our kids and they had OG Droids before that . The kids get the hand me downs but did get them in the Grandfathered unlimited data. I just wonder whe they move out will they get to keep that unlimited since we are all on one bill.In other words could they go seperate with their lines and keep the Plan they have or do they have to get new plans or stay on our account in order to stay with the unlimited data.
I made the switch from an iPhone 3Gs and am loving it. I couldn't stand iTunes and the lack to do much with the phone, like add additional memory. I love music and trying to keep my mobile library in such a small space was tough, even though I had the 32GB version. I got an Acer A500 tablet and started loving the whole Android world, so I'm into it big time now. I absolutely love the Rezound! I put in a 32GB (class 10) card and am rocking! I put a class 4 32GB card in my Acer and the speed is too slow, so I do recommend class 10 for speedier transfers. The Beats headphones are great. I already had a couple of great buds (Klipsch S4i and Vmodo) and the Beats phones are pretty good. If you like the bass to thump, these are great. Klipsch are probably better overall, but unfortunately I have the "i" version for iPhones and the buttons don't work properly on Android, but they still sound great. I could go on and on... and maybe I will sometime. Phones have sure come a long way since my first cell phone in a bag that I carried over my shoulder back in the day.
I got mine about a month ago. I came from a bunch of motos (D2, DX, DX2) they have great communities but damn are those phones restricted. I started becoming jealous of my brothers incredible so I decided my next phone would definitely be HTC. I'm really into music, so seeing as the best phones for Verizon had very similar specs, the Rezound was a no brainer. So far I absolutely love my Rezound! I can't wait to see what ICS feels like though, probably gonna jump on that leak some time soon
I got mine three weeks ago. Sadly, I missed the $50 sale, but it turned out to be a birthday present from my Mom anyway. With my $100 discount for upgrading to a 4G phone, plus their stupid ass upgrade fee, I got out for about $170. Big improvement over my old ROMed Droid2Global. The first phone I've ever had that satisfies me stock. I'm sure I'll end up rooting and ROMing because I can't resist, but for now, stock is smooth, responsive, and user friendly. Sense is waaaaaaaaaaay better than motoblur, IMO. I do miss launcherpro's customizable docks and the ability to hide icon names. I'll install it one of these days. With my extended battery, my phone has been quite acceptable. I regularly use it for 7-10 hours a day of streaming pandora, and generally see at least 10 hours of use before I drain 75% of my battery. I have access to a charger at work, but never use it. I use my screen less than most people though, just let it blast pandora at me (which is definitely loud and good sounding. I work in an industrial environment, and I can hear my phone clearly at 2 or 3 notches of volume. Look for a battery life/case review to come soon some night when I'm bored.