well not to sound like a jerk... but you obviously don't know how android operates. your constant task killing efforts are nothing but wasted time and more than likely result decreased performance (and decreased battery life; you say yours is great and it may be, but I'm certain that it would actually increase if you were to chill on the task killer).
Your memory/processor aren't wasting resources on non-active/background apps.
Android will start different processes/activities as it sees fit, so auto-killing them doesn't really help out, as android will almost immediately start many of them back up.
Task killers have their purposes... mostly closing frozen/malfunctioning apps and, at certain times, closing apps such as nav, games, etc. that aren't typically called upon for routine processes.
it's ok, ur not rude. i ran with out using one for one month, i had 16hrs batt time. i use my fone at the same intervals and now its nice around 24-26hrs... so im happy, and it feels really snappy too. so, im good with my methods. not all fones/users are created equal. ;-)
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