A lot of people posting here are mentioning middle/highschool scenarios, and I just wanted to clarify that I was stating purely college. under college is a bad idea. I am a living breathing example of why you shouldn't text during your classes (I dropped out of highschool, though I'm taking a program to help me get back at that) I made some bad choices, But, there's a silver lining, of sorts.
I just want you to know that it shouldn't be BANNED.
There's a right time and place for it, and it CAN be during class.
not during lectures. don't make the teacher repeat themselves.
NOT during tests. don't even think of it.
not during notetaking, or anything.
The only time I believe that you should be able to use your phone during class, is when the teacher isn't doing anything. Maybe after a group assignment, (but sure as hell not after a test)
I didn't have much time to write this, I'm just trying to summarize most of the posts that happened since i last posted. I just didn't want to be lumped with people thinking you should use your phone during middle highschool classes. Because there IS a difference.