for the record you won't find anyone more for free market/capitalism than myself. if you know anything about the history of our country (assuming were all from the USA) it's one of the things that made us great. (stepping off of soapbox now)
but here is my point. tethering is an application that uses my data plan which I pay as much for as my cable at home. If they allow this application on another device on there network but not on mine, without an extra charge.....color me pissed off and looking for a fight. and I am no lawyer but I think your wrong and there is some room in there for a legal debate.
and don't get me wrong I have had Verizon since it was Ameritech, so I like the company and we are arguing in hypothetical situations at the moment.
I guess we'll see when 2.2 drops to the public.
Philosophically, we're on the exact same page, but I dont see any sort of grounds for any sort of lawsuit, unless Verizon somehow misrepresents this contract to people.
Verizon has already done what you say. Different fees depending on the type of phone you use, to access the same internet. Think VZW Navigator. Droid users get GPS for free, and dumber-phone users pay extra for this service. It's a similar idea with tethering.
when your talking a standard cell phone vs. smartphones I understand the different levels of service. but verizon dumps palm/android/win mobile all into smartphone category so if the palm gets tethering with a 29.99/month data plan then those of us with Android devices paying 29.99/month for data should get it also. especially if 2.2 does have it natively. to me that's just good business.
ltken and aminaked, i've enjoyed our little debate but now it's time for dinner.
you guys have a great evening.