Hell, I think my wifes Omnia takes better pics but I will do an all out comparison this weekend.
Mind you, there are LOTS of people complaining about the camera and it's almost known now that it has issues.
I may be imagining it, but the port hole that allows the light to come into the lens seems a bit small compared to my Dare "which takes excellent pics".
I'm also suspicious since the droid seems to not do so hot in dim lighting and "needs" a flash where my dare seldom needed a flash in any room that was comfortably lit within reason.
If you can read a newspaper, it can take an excellent pic... I'm not seeing that with the droid.
However daylight pics are much better, but that may have to do with optics.
Even a small pair of binoculars look great in broad daylight, but in dim lighting, the exit pupil is too small with the lower mm optics to bring in enough light to get good colors etc.
The quality and sensitivity of the electronics behind the lens make a difference too.
The encouraging thing is that if it takes good video.. it should take good pics with some tweaking.
On the other hand.... the video is marginal too in poor lighting.
That makes me question hardware... hopefully, its all a software issue.
This is one thing I liked about the Omnia 2.. seems like it had large optics.
Hopefully Google thought about this and we just need a tweak.