The Droid x already has its version.
Edit: http://rootzwiki.com/showthread.php?t=3335
Swyped from my DROIDX from Tapatalk.
Edit: http://rootzwiki.com/showthread.php?t=3335
Swyped from my DROIDX from Tapatalk.
I'm not understanding. What did you do? What process did you take? It looks like you'll have to sbf now. Put the phone in bootloader and sbf.
D2 bootstrap
Wipe everything
Install gb leak
D2 bootstrap
Wipe everything
Install cm7gb (not the froyo ver!)
Install gapps
That's the way I always do it. It shouldn't fail you.
Ok now im confused again. im on cm7 froyo kernel. do i need to sbf or can i just go and flash the monster zip file and go from there?
edit: is revnumbers website down?
If you're on CM7 Froyo, you have to get to GB to then flash CM7GB for D2.
You can SBF to GB directly over CM7 (or if you haev the Team Black Hat app you can flash their ZIP file that works like an SBF using Clockwork Recovery), and then boot up GB, go back into CWR, and then flash CM7GB.
Im being super slow today. So at Droid 2 Gingerbread (2.3.3) - Release - PreRooted I need to follow the second set of steps. sorry for the confusion just dont want to run into any problems
use a wall charger, not a usb charger. also to get into recovery if it wont boot past the M logo turn off the device hold power and side the keyboard open and hold the up button as well (the arrow pointing towards the screen) and let them both go after a second then you should be ready to use rsd lite
Yup...that's right, that gets you on rooted GB...after you boot up following the SBF, load and use D2 Bootstrapper to get back to CWR, and flash CM7GB.
ok i think i got it don't need to use rsdlite at all.
now i just need revnumbers site back up then ill be cm7gb it. unless someone has the latest they can post up.
I tried that already. The wall charger does the same thing, it sits at the Moto logo and doesn't charge. I can't get into the boot loader because it says the battery is too low. Vicious cycle, I know.
You can't charge the phone unless it's booted up (unless you're on the stock Moto ROM, which has some magic to allow charging when the phone isn't booted, one very cool enhancement that Moto provides in the stock ROM that I do miss).
Borrow a battery, or find another phone to charge your battery in, then you should be OK.
I thought my phone was a beast with the Froyo based CM7, but I was wrong! This ROM, plus the jakebitesmod and Juice Defender, have taken my phone to levels of beastliness that the Froyo-based nightlies can't even touch!
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