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The Legend of Zelda (fans)

Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword for Wii looks totally awesome. You will be able to control things like your shield and sword with your nunchuk and Wii remote. They did a demonstration at E3 I think for it.
A link to the past all day I have hacked my psp and playstation 3 to play it and have it on snes and my droid x hands down my favorite. Twilight princess has tight graphics on wii and I had fun playing it but like I said I think you know what my favorite one is!
Yes they did an E3 demo of it (:

And cruckus, how many games have you played? You should get other ones too, you'd like them all I think (:
And it's so much better to go through these games without walkthroughs, especially if you're stuck in a dungeon and you really buckle down and go through everything logically until you figure out the problem and beat it all on your own (:

I've found the puzzle solving portion to be the most enjoyable part of playing these games again, now that I'm older I don't need walk-throughs and its very satisfying.

Sent from my ADR6300
Yes they did an E3 demo of it (:

And cruckus, how many games have you played? You should get other ones too, you'd like them all I think (:

I've played the original the 2nd the on gameboy link to the past and the ocarina of time. I just like link to the past that's all. A childhood favorite
Yeah, it is a good game. I think you'd really enjoy stuff like Links Awakening or one of the Oracles ect the're all great (:
It's actually a great game though, graphics are cartoony but it's pretty cool. Kids wouldn't be able to beat it though lol it's a legend of leda game, puzzles and all. They just had fun with making different graphics in that game i would say haha,plus knowing the timeline with it, it makes for a better play hundreds of years after link trapped ganon and the 3 Goddesses flood the land which makes the mountain tops all the islands in wind waker.

And the Zora's (fish people in Ocarina of Time) have evolved into birds (Roc, which is why in all games about you'll get an item like Rocs feather or Rocs cape that makes you jump lol)
Hmm that's pretty tight I guess I never really followed the story jus played the games. I didn't know alot of the games went together like that
Ahhh...I forgot all about Twilight Princess. Gotta put that near the top of my list as favs.

I saw wind waker or whatever didn't get it cause it looked to kiddie
It's actually a great game though, graphics are cartoony but it's pretty cool. Kids wouldn't be able to beat it though lol it's a legend of leda game, puzzles and all. They just had fun with making different graphics in that game i would say haha,plus knowing the timeline with it, it makes for a better play hundreds of years after link trapped ganon and the 3 Goddesses flood the land which makes the mountain tops all the islands in wind waker.

Yea...dont sleep on Wind Waker cuz of the graphics. lol. Like I bet lots of ppl sleep on the Lego games and Little Big Planet for the same reasons.

I think my favorite Zelda games are Link to the Past, Orcarnia of Time, Wind Waker and Twilight Princess. I gotta admit I didnt play any of the games for the DS and Gameboy and etc.
Yea but you mentioned little things and I didn't skim through the link in the other post

lol from the OP was pretty specific xD

"link trapped Ganon as young link and big link, but he broke free while link was big but never broke free when he was young, and hyrule was flooded too. So that became Wind Waker and since he broke out as adult link time, hell was broke loose and Twilight princess came about in that timeline. (The islands in WW are the mountaintops around hyrule, and in WW you are young and TP you're big)"
Did any of you guys play Phantom Hourglass or Spirit Tracks?

No, but I actually heard they were good!

I head ST was a better version of PH though. Just better mechanics and stuff, like an updated version in that way cause it is a newer game so that happens but I wouldn't leave PH out though (: