That adage article guy said it well.
It sucks, but it's really the only logical conclusion at this point. Quit toying with us VERIZON!
Verizon has remained strangely silent on the device, even as it stirs the collective yearnings of die-hard fans. Why? Two theories:
Regardless of the rationale behind the decision, this tactic comes across as smarmy at best, preying on the uninformed who didn't know that the Rezound was around the corner when paying top dollar for an HTC Thunderbolt. Or worse, withholding the Galaxy Nexus indefinitely - until a sales quota is met on competing devices.
- To allow as much time as possibly for the retail stores to offload the previously-awesome-yet-soon-to-be outdated devices, like the Motorola Droid Bionic, Samsung Droid Charge, and HTC Thunderbolt, the appeal of which – and consequently, the price they can demand, drop significantly with each newer and better option to hit the shelves.
- To avoid cannibalizing holiday season sales of the aforementioned Razr and Rezound, the other two top-tier devices that would appeal to the high end consumer, yet can't compete with the flagship Galaxy Nexus.
It sucks, but it's really the only logical conclusion at this point. Quit toying with us VERIZON!