As a banker with a Finance undergrad and a masters in business, I fully understand that issues may lead to Verizon delaying this phone even further. As a consumer, we don't have the right to demand or know anything regarding a product we haven't paid for, let alone, been officially told about. If they are holding this back to sell more Motos and HTCs before putting the GNex up for sale, more power to them.
As a loyal consumer, Android enthusiast, and Verizon supporter, I have the right to be outraged with Verizon because they can't get their crap together. I may not have the right to demand anything, but I am fully capable of moving my loyalty elsewhere for being toyed with. I think Verizon has been ignorant and flat out lazy regarding this release. They did drop the ball.
You may say "they never truly announced it, so they aren't delaying anything. How is that dropping the ball???". Fair enough. But, here is where they truly dropped the ball: Verizon has shown complete ignorance to the state of the market/technology industry and a lack of respect to the consumers who have continued to support them. Whether or not they announced a true date or not, it should be expected this day in age that information is going to leak out. Either Verizon needs to get better internal controls or they need to accept the uproar caused by leaked and seemingly "official" dates if it is in fact something they have made internally, not publicly. I've stood by Verizon and accepted their business model because I felt I got quality service. I accepted that I would be late in getting the newest and best phones. But, Verizon made a deal with two companies, Google and Samsung, and giving an expected date of release to them , who gave it to us. It is very telling that they have used their "pull" to get dibs on this device and then take their piddly time releasing it. Sure, its fair business practice. But it is also disrespectful to your customer base, as well as to the companies they've partnered with to bring this device to the public. For that, this is a slap in the face to all the people who have willingly signed away their souls to be stuck with Verizon expecting a certain level of service. For that, I am furious. For that, Verizon may lose my loyalty because I do not wish to support this type of business and its behavior.
We may not have a right to demand anything from them, but we have the right to choose where we can spend our money. It is difficult to walk away because we have all willingly signed contracts to remain with Verizon, but we are not helpless. Personally, I feel I'm left with three options: 1.) use my upgrade to get the Nexus and agree to use Verizon another 2 years OR 2.) Pay full price for the phone I want, whenever it comes out, and then dump Verizon when my contract expires.
As a loyal consumer, Android enthusiast, and Verizon supporter, I have the right to be outraged with Verizon because they can't get their crap together. I may not have the right to demand anything, but I am fully capable of moving my loyalty elsewhere for being toyed with. I think Verizon has been ignorant and flat out lazy regarding this release. They did drop the ball.
You may say "they never truly announced it, so they aren't delaying anything. How is that dropping the ball???". Fair enough. But, here is where they truly dropped the ball: Verizon has shown complete ignorance to the state of the market/technology industry and a lack of respect to the consumers who have continued to support them. Whether or not they announced a true date or not, it should be expected this day in age that information is going to leak out. Either Verizon needs to get better internal controls or they need to accept the uproar caused by leaked and seemingly "official" dates if it is in fact something they have made internally, not publicly. I've stood by Verizon and accepted their business model because I felt I got quality service. I accepted that I would be late in getting the newest and best phones. But, Verizon made a deal with two companies, Google and Samsung, and giving an expected date of release to them , who gave it to us. It is very telling that they have used their "pull" to get dibs on this device and then take their piddly time releasing it. Sure, its fair business practice. But it is also disrespectful to your customer base, as well as to the companies they've partnered with to bring this device to the public. For that, this is a slap in the face to all the people who have willingly signed away their souls to be stuck with Verizon expecting a certain level of service. For that, I am furious. For that, Verizon may lose my loyalty because I do not wish to support this type of business and its behavior.
We may not have a right to demand anything from them, but we have the right to choose where we can spend our money. It is difficult to walk away because we have all willingly signed contracts to remain with Verizon, but we are not helpless. Personally, I feel I'm left with three options: 1.) use my upgrade to get the Nexus and agree to use Verizon another 2 years OR 2.) Pay full price for the phone I want, whenever it comes out, and then dump Verizon when my contract expires.