So hopefully you guys know that I am not the kind of person that would come in here and troll everyone and would only communicate info if I thought it had any merit to it...well:
A member of the DF team has been contacted by someone associated with VZW who had a bit of additional information with respect to the release of the G-Nex. In an effort to maintain a degree of separation between the source, their contact and the leaking of this information, we have stepped through a few levels of separation to avoid any info-to-source association. The contact (who is definitely more than just a store rep.) stated that the internal current slated release date is now December 13th. No gauntness can be made that this date will not change, but that is the current target.....
And that's all I got. Take it for what it's worth.
To add to this, another member of the DF leadership team was just contacted by a trusted Costco insider who informed us that the phone will be $289 (which we pretty much already knew) on December 14th.