I tend to not read into the reviews too much, the same as with movies(I'm a movie-holic). Everyone is different and it's not likely that the reviewer and yourself are very much alike, so he might like something and you may not and vice versa. I'm basing my decision on is it better than the OG(my current phone), I think it is, larger screen, OMAP4460 underclocked to 1.2ghz, 4G LTE, guaranteed updates from Google, 1080p video, ICS. This is why I'm going for this phone on top of the unlocked bootloader(which the OG has too). In two years I'll be doing the same. I have my wants and needs and as long as I don't hear that the phone is a complete failure(bugs galore, not better than my current phone) then I'm sure I'll be happy with my choice.