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The Official DF Galaxy Nexus Pre-Release Thread

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It would be like giving any product a perfect 10. Instead of just saying "its perfect" a good reviewer is critical, providing opinions based on perceived facts. He provided us the facts he was annalyzing and his opinion of how those facts a relevant. In the same breath, the phone is the best and it has room for imropvement. Anything thats a "first" for anything will have imperfections. Rarely is an imperfection beneficial, but he even states he found the noise enjoyable. Maybe it will be for you, maybe not. At least now you are aware and when you look at the Gnex for the first time you will be more educated when making your purchase choice.

A lot has happened since November 19th, there was conformation on USB mass storage being enabled via OTA, a lot of the negatives can be fixed via ROMs. This phone has flaws, yes, but the flaws aren't a big deal because when this phone drops here in the US development is going to be endless just like the OG. When I first got my OG a couple months behind the release I thought it was a great phone and it was at that time but like every piece of technology it gets shadowed by newer better piece of technology. When I first rooted my OG and overclocked it my mind was blown, I was like I can't believe I thought stock unrooted was fast. Point being the reviewers can say what they want about the phone as long as there are no true negatives about hardware and hardware failure because development makes the phone what it should have been and I have the utmost faith in the development community to make the G-Nex truly a beast by nature. Heck devs made the Ally better and that phone was garbage, I just rooted, ROM'd and OC'd my buddy's and he is loving it now. Have faith in the phone and have faith in the devs and take the reviews lightly. All the reviews still say it's the best Android phone ever made so getting a Razr would be no better than this phone.
Seemed like a decent review minus the screen problem, which I haven't seen before so it's possible he had a faulty unit.

Everyone seems to say the back plate is pretty bad quality, with the snap clips ect...

I'm surprised to hear the pictures aren't coming out as nice as we originally heard, I'll have to see it for myself, but I still like to hear everyone saying how impressed they are with the zero shutter lag. That's one thing I've hated about my OG was how slow the pictures take.

The battery life isn't going to be great, there haven't been any battery improvements since the first LTE device so you can't expect it to be good.

I honestly like to see a critical reviewer, lets us know what is really going on, so we don't end up with these impossible expectations once we use the device ourselves.
I just like the comparison and it says the nexus has a lot of grain or whatever and i cant tell what they are talking about. to me those pics look the same with a slightly different angle. lolz. im easily pleased i guess. the camera looks great to me imo.
For the coupon..


So if you buy it and use it after that date you will just get the $25 not $50.
Been away for a few and missed 6 plus pages!
Well I was clearly incorrect on my release date pick. My bad, I will never trust my sources again. Oh wait, I have no sources.
I was thinking about how we are upset with Verizon not giving a release date. But in the past we've been upset when they miss a release date. Perhaps Verizon is working off of their own learning curve? Quite possibly they decided on this phone to take things slow, due to it being the first of its kind(in certain manners). This way only we are waiting for it while the general public is unawares and will purchase what's currently available. They know we will be getting the phone so by not putting out a release date for public consumption, they don't worry about looking bad if that date is not met. Reliability is important if you are looking to buy a phone from a different provider than you've used in the past.

What would be your preference
A) Verizon put out a release date and it passed without the phone being released, and only rumors as to the reasons are reported but nothing concrete and no new date announced
B) same as above except it is released on said date but the phone has more bugs than the classic scene in Indiana Jones and The Temple of Doom, with Short Round and the blonde
C) Verizon doesn't give a release date until the week before it will be released, and we all get it and it is running like a champ

Of course there are tons of variations of this, but I think in the end we would all agree we want to get the phone, but we want to get it when all the major hiccups are addressed.

Unfortunately or not, I am heading to Verizon to pick up a RAZR as I have just lost the touchscreen and soft key abilities on the left quarter of my OG which is the back button and the vertical strip above. This is the 2nd quarter of the screen to crap out for me, so now my entire left half of the screen is AWOL and the phone is going back to operating as if a ghost was battling me for control. Seems to stop happening when the strip of screen dies completely as was the case after the first slice of screen fully kicked the bucket. But this battlestation is clearly not fully operational regardless of what the emperor has to say.
Truss looks like it has come to me getting the fix it kit as you recommended.
And I checked on everything and even if after January whatever the Nexus is still on hold, I can return the RAZR and only pay restock fee. Switch phone service back to repaired OG and have upgrade returned to me and wait for the Nexus. Though if it is not out by then, I imagine there will be some pretty decent options on the horizon.
Wish me luck. And if anyone on this thread has a RAZR and has rooted etc. Please let me know as I have a few questions before I decide if I even want to root it or choose to have a bit of a life before I give it all up upon my wedding day with The G! I have been saving myself for marriage.

walkin the walk while tappin the talk
What would be your preference
A) Verizon put out a release date and it passed without the phone being released, and only rumors as to the reasons are reported but nothing concrete and no new date announced
B) same as above except it is released on said date but the phone has more bugs than the classic scene in Indiana Jones and The Temple of Doom, with Short Round and the blonde
C) Verizon doesn't give a release date until the week before it will be released, and we all get it and it is running like a champ

walkin the walk while tappin the talk

I'll take C for 800 please.
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