First Impressions:
Overall not much of a different feel than UD ex8.0.0
A few more customization options. I'm sure some of the base code has been modified, and I'm not sure what differences are based on FRG83 vs. FRG22D, but overall its still a good ROM. My mini info widget is now telling me there is less ROM on my phone for install apps (down to 29 Mb from 57 Mb), could be because I didn't wipe data/cache, so I can't tell you what a complete fresh install would do. Phone is just as smooth, turned off ROM overclocking so I can run SetCPU (I love its profile settings). As I said before I had to reload all my homescreen widgets, but that's not really a bother. All my ADW Settings were preserved (kickass!).
FINALLY An option in Settings to allow for Lockscreen Music Controls! I found them under Audio Settings (Where earlier all I saw was just "DSP Manager"), that's gonna be awesome!
Interesting that a lot of my UD eX 8.0.0 settings ported over to this UD 1.0.0 (unless a lot of those are default, such as Showing Battery Percentage in status bar)
I like the UD Wallpapers, some of them are really cool.