This is the second UD release in a row that my phone does not like.
Yes, I wiped data/cache.
Going through "Set up your google account" I immediately knew something was wrong. Hardware keyboard is unresponsive, pushing a key causes the phone screen to momentarily go black, then crashes out to previous screen (no force close pop-up, but that's sure what it seems to be).
The soft keyboard crashes when I try to input numbers.
Going to UD settings and trying to install different keyboard does nothing.
All hardware keys are unresponsive. They all cause the screen to flash black.
Power button does not work. Had to pull battery to get into recovery (at least holding "x" during power on works).
I even went so far as to wipe and re-install. Same problems. I'm a sad dude. UD 9 was all screwy for me as well, and I ended up going back to 8. Looks like that's where I'll remain.