So far I am very pleased with this ROM. All the little nick knacks really make this my go to ROM.
My only major gripe, just like most people, is the lockscreen sliders. I really wouldn’t mind the positioning if we had the sliders with the little red arrows that are in the preview pictures.
UD8 battery life didn’t seem to be very linear for me. I thought I would be getting great battery life since it would take quite some time to drop in the 40%-100% range... then it would plummet rapidly after getting to 40%. I am only to 60% battery right now, so I am not sure if this is an issue on this ROM as well.
I am not sure if we had the ability to adjust all the brightness levels and thresholds in UD8, but I just noticed this feature and it is ingenious. It's also really nice to be able to considerably lower the dimmest setting.
Did you already try the rotary lockscreen? On my phone that relocates the lock buttons to their normal position.
Yeah, I have been using the rotary until I have to time to modify the framework for the sliders in the lower location. I am just going to use the little black circle with the white arrow inside (the same little arrow it shows on menus such as the power off/reboot menu). I think that should look alright.
I guess I should have said it is a minor gripe, not a major gripe hah.