Theme is pretty amazing, especially for one of a handful of really detailed themes that work on source froyo builds. Battery icon wasn't sure, the animation makes it look terrible in the screenshot section, but seeing it for real and that it's just how it shows draining... not bad. still prefer seeing a % though, but I can do that.
Only thing that bothered me a bit and I can fix for myself or if you think it's a good tweak that's cool too, is the pull down menu "Droid Does" tag. It's just gigantic. much too big in my opinion. should be like 1/2 the size. To me it's just something that should be a small tag type deal, not something 2 notifications tall... lol
I rigged up a photoshop of kinda how I was thinking, using one of your photos.
compared to the orginal
hope those worked.
so, what do you think? yea! or nay!? I almost think it could go a slightly smaller even and stretch it out a tiny bit.
Just an idea, the theme is great either way =)
edit: that little thing for the framework, I was trying it on the source built jrummy froyo and all I got was constant boot loops of the animation screen. Was hoping to get the transparent background.