This was probably already asked on this thread, but there's no way I can go through 84 pages right now looking for it;
Is it normal for the notification messages to have black text so you can't read it against the black background? I'm not talking about the pull-down notifications, they're white and legible. I'm talking about the scrolling messages like when you get a Gtalk/txt message and it gives you a little scrolling preview up top in the notification bar. They have black text and I can't read it. Not a big deal, but it's annoying, still.
I'm running SS 4.5 and used the specific theme for SS4.5 listed on the main page. I installed it with ClockworkMod Recovery. Everything is perfect except for the text there.
Thanks in advance! You're awesome, Dave!
Edit: Ooooh, just noticed the thread title. So I have to use metamorph to revert back to the vanilla Android theme before I apply this? I've tried using MM before, but couldn't get it to recognize a theme file for some reason. I had the standard SS/Blue theme before installing this theme. If this is true, where can I get the vanilla MM theme before I flash this?
here's the fix/patch, thanks to Dave's quick workings.
928Droid Black Glass Update/Patch Files - Compatible with all Themes/ROMS!
928Droid "Black Glass" Maps 4.4 and Twitter 1.0.2 Update/Patch File
OK for ALL 928Droid Black Glass Themes!
Download Link: (rename to
Note: If you already updated your Maps and Twitter apps via the Market (or elsewhere) you MUST uninstall them BEFORE applying this Patch/Update. This copies Maps.apk and Twitter.apk to the system/app folder (same location as all my Theme Update zips)