My bad I didn't explain that very well...I used clockwork to install the theme..Not the deodexed...
To install the deodexed files I followed the directions in that thread.
1st downloaded
The Android SDK and installed on my computer...
The deodexed .rar archive,
Droid2 Deodexed Stock Status Bar Command Line Install needs to be extracted using a .rar program (I use
winrar), and the extracted files then are copied to the root of the sd card by hooking your phone to computer via USB and putting in Mass storage mode.
Then remove and reinsert USB cord and put phone in PC Mode. And make sure your phone has USB debugging enabled.. (in settings/applications/development on your phone).
As the directions state, I opened a Command Prompt, navigated to where Adb was located... cd/[adb folder]... mine was cd/program files/android-sdk-windows/tools. And entered the commands listed in that thread:
adb shell
mount -o rw,remount -t ext3 /dev/block/mmcblk1p21 /system
cp /sdcard/app/* /system/app/
cp /sdcard/framework/* /system/framework/
rm /system/app/*.odex
rm /system/framework/*.odex
mount -o ro,remount -t ext3 /dev/block/mmcblk1p21 /system
Phone rebooted deodexed.
Currently there isn't a clockwork friendly version of the files in that thread...
Then I downloaded on my PC, copied to root of sd card. Then used clockwork to install theme...
I know you said you weren't risking it...just thought I'd post the correct procedure in case you changed your mind.
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