Hey 928, Just updated to r2 and I see of course the major change was the car dock, which is great. As for the camera and camcorder icons, I had noticed before but hadn't said anything

. As per the lwp you put in, I didn't find any new lwp's in my files, but then I noticed that your post was referring to the d2, so I am assuming that the lwp was the Droid 2 one, and if that is true than that's why I didn't see any new lwp because I had already downloaded that lwp. Another little change I noticed that it looks like you went back to stock on the downloading notification icon, except where it completes you added a green check mark. This was also reflected on the marketplace, when you press menu, the icon for downloads the image has been change from originally a red arrow to a large green arrow to what looks like the stock icon a green arrow with a gray circle around it. I did like that u added the Droid x image on top in the marketplace. Also found that u put an image of the droid x on top of the folder icon for files. Up to now that's all the changes I saw from the first and second versions lol. I will keep hunting. I can not put in words in how much better the X looks with your theme, I have tried others and yours is yet to be beaten imho. Not trying to kiss your a$$, just stating the truth. Plus no other theme has been packaged in a way that anyone can easily apply it without having to use adb or a terminal, meaning very little room for error. Thanks for your hard work.