OK ...FINALLY got my x today...just got done installing root, and wifi..im gonna tackle this now.
can anyone point me out any issues i might face?? (i know, i know..read the thread...but its 33 pages long ! haha)
I tried this right after I first rooted my droid x. I followed the directions put in 928's original post. Everything worked very well, (I used metamorph which I don't think he is using anymore.) When I tried to go "back to stock," though, I never really went "back to stock" there were left over changes in my apps. I was really worried about this, and couldn't find a fix. Luckily, I was able to upgrade to froyo anyway.
I would give you advice, but I am by far not the best person for that on this forum. I will say, however, to take your time, read all the way through the instructions you get before you start tapping. This forum is great, but the stress of a broken phone is something to avoid. Good luck!