Darn shame you are gonna miss the secret surprises I put updates sometimes.. :icon_eek:... You guys should poke around more in these updates....I have a sense of humor and do some funny stuff on occasion.
Yes, HomeSyncWizard... darn shame to disable that, it is a cool app... do you know you can use WiFi to transfer stuff between 2 Droid Xs or Droid 2s or a mixture of the 2, or via your home/office network ....not to mention all the MultiMedia stuff....Poor little app ain't hurting nothing, just turn the notifications off instead
Climbing on soapbox......It is funny how people with Droid Xs and Droid 2s are so intent on removing all these type apps....it's not like you have Droid 1 with only 256mb of internal storage.....ya got 8GB!!!!! Removing all the "bloatware" is a waste of time....other than getting the Icons out of the App drawer it accomplishes very little..maybe some memory usage, but a task killer can fix just those apps (don't recommend it for more than that). Instead of uninstalling them use Root Explorer and just rename them to ".bac" or ".apk1"...that way if you ever need them for whatever reason or when you get an update they are easy to restore....jumping off soapbox and putting on Nomex Suit..FIRE away
Anywho....gonna do the Odex version anyway in a few hours because I am pretty sure it is broken in it too...plus I can get the Odex version up to "r2b" specs