I was really trying to avoid returning to stock. I'll lose all my apps and settings.
I was using titanium backup as a backup tool in case my phone croacked suddenly. I had titanium backup setup to do a weekly backup of "all user apps + system data" but apparently that's not all encompassing.
During my research to fix my issue I found a program called "Bionic Bootstrapper". I installed it and have now performed a backup. Unfortunately, I didn't realize until now that my titanium backups weren't backing up everything I had.
I'm now debating with myself whether to reset the droid to stock or just wait until ice cream sandwich comes out, and then reset to stock and install the updates. Basically, I'm debating the value of the update for me. I haven't had very many problems with my phone before, so I'm not sure if I really want to reset my phone to stock just to install an update when ICS will be here in a month(from what I've heard anyway).
there is a program that will allow you to pull the app backups and associated data from your nandroid backup that you made in bootstrap. I forget what the name of it is, but do a little digging and you will find it.
what isn't TiBu updating that you were expecting it to?
I never use TiBu to restore anything but Apps and their data, between switching roms all the time and messing w/ other things restoring backups can go very wrong if you restore system info that was not made in that rom.
I have never had any issues w/ TiBu restoring games and data, I was able to get all of my game data moved over from my OG DROID to the Bionic.