am I knob, or missing something? I thought there was going to be a 4 way boot on 14 build. ( insert beating here)
D1 MIUI 1.14.1 p3 LV250-1250 w/jamz kernel theme patch. Mr_DSL's Bliss suaveHD theme V7
doesn't matter one right after the other will work fine.So I should:
1. nandroid backup the current version,
2. wipe,
3. Flash,
4. then flash
Want to make sure I have that right.
yea thats what i do![]()
I was wondering do we need to boot into then reboot into recovery for the update or can we flash them one after the other without booting?
the vm heap size is 32mb if you lower it launcher will be unstable and probably crash. If you raise it you will only be able to run 2 maybe 3 apps at a there an app or way to find out what the heap size is and change it if needed?
yea i had it in but it was jacked up, so i just removed the I knob, or missing something? I thought there was going to be a 4 way boot on 14 build. ( insert beating here)
D1 MIUI 1.14.1 p3 LV250-1250 w/jamz kernel theme patch. Mr_DSL's Bliss suaveHD theme V7
There is. I don't know about others but for mine, just press and hold the lock button for it to prompt you what to do. And mine says "no package found" or something along those lines, I press that and it gives me reboot options. Hot reboot, normal reboot, etc.
When I try to set up PCSynch with the Miui File Manager, I can not get it to connect with my computer. If I type the address into a browser, I can see the files on my phone but if I type it into Windows Explorer it tells me there is no program associated with it. I am running Windows 7 on one computer and get a similar response on another running Windows XP. What am I doing wrong? Thanks!
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I hate to get completely off topic but there are a lot of intelligent members in the MIUI section and I can't figure this out. When something is in the .rar format such as icons, how the hell do you get the icons?
rar is like a zip. i believe you can use 7zip to open it.
Just unrar it using Winrar on your computer, or one of the unrar apps in the market.
Anyone know if there's a way to remove the global search function and replace it it with Google search? I think Jam had removed it, but after I did a wipe/reset today, I flashed the newest version and the nowipe zip, then Jriz's mod, and the global search thing has returned. If I reflash 1.1.14 and the update zip, will that remedy the problem? I'd hate to have to wipe again.
Anyone know if there's a way to remove the global search function and replace it it with Google search? I think Jam had removed it, but after I did a wipe/reset today, I flashed the newest version and the nowipe zip, then Jriz's mod, and the global search thing has returned. If I reflash 1.1.14 and the update zip, will that remedy the problem? I'd hate to have to wipe again.
push google search back to sys/app. I believe jrizzill's mod moves it to data/app.
Anyone know if there's a way to remove the global search function and replace it it with Google search? I think Jam had removed it, but after I did a wipe/reset today, I flashed the newest version and the nowipe zip, then Jriz's mod, and the global search thing has returned. If I reflash 1.1.14 and the update zip, will that remedy the problem? I'd hate to have to wipe again.
push google search back to sys/app. I believe jrizzill's mod moves it to data/app.