$ 100.00 NT&T 1400 minutes, unlimited text
$ 40.00 4 access fees 2 $10/phone
$ 30.00 3 smartphone unlimited data plans (@ $30/plan less the $20 discount per plan)
$ 170.00 total (plus tax, fees, and insurance)
$ 120.00 3 smartphones
$ 30.00 1 dumb phone
$ 80.00 6 gb data plan
$ 230.00 total (plus tax, fees, and insurance)
This doesn't work for me. This would result in a 35% increase and a loss of unlimited data down to a 6 GB plan.
I will Take the $60 a month savings for a year for a total of $720 and just buy a phone every year as long as I can. I will just stagger my new devices every year for the three phones, so I need to keep my phones for three years each. I will do this and remain off contract until they force me off or something else better comes along.