So doing the math on my situation it comes down to my phone and my wife's phone on a plan together. Right now for both our lines it's about $130-ish. But thats with a discount through my wife's employer. Two phones on Verizon's new plan would put us at about $117(thats with the discount, otherwise it would be about $150) but thats sharing 4 GB between the two of us and it might get a little tight as we both use about 2 GB a piece per month (I'm at 2.958 GB right now but thats because I haven't been using Wifi as much since I have unlimited data

Now I checked sprint and their basic plan is about $129 for a family plan but then you add on $10 per 4G phone on the line. So that comes out to about $150 on Sprint for two smartphones with the basic plan.
Now without the discount we'd end up paying the same either way, but with the discount its obviously cheaper to stick with Verizon for us. But we'll have to give up our unlimited plans and be really careful about switching over to Wifi when at home. Or we could pay more and have unlimited data and deal with it. Or we could bump up the data to 6 GB for $80 and end up pretty close to our current monthly bill at ~ $125. So I guess it just barely works out for me. I thought originally that I'd be paying quite a bit more than I am now.
Still though, I'm feeling uneasy about the extra $30 fee I'll have to pay at upgrade time :S sometimes it feels like I'm just a money bag to Verizon and they want to take me for all I'm worth.