In light of the "update" that is now posted on post #1 of this thread, the "subsidized pricing" issue that I brought up takes on a whole new meaning. It's nice that Verizon is saying "if we're not paying to subsidize your handset, you can keep your unlimited data plan" - but to me that doesn't go far enough. I should get a discount on my monthly service, too.
There are many articles, like
THIS ONE, that talk about what a bad deal subsidies are. They both mention the iPhone subsidy being about $450 (the $650 retail price minus the $200 customers pay = $450 subsidy per phone). That's about $20/month over a 2 year contract. Wouldn't it make sense that if I say to Verizon "Keep your phone, I'll use my own", that they would say "Great, since we're not paying $450 to subsidize your phone, we'll knock $15 per month off of your service plan"? They're STILL saving money over the $20/month subsidy they would have been paying, and I'm free to: 1) keep my current phone longer than 2 years, 2) buy a used phone from eBay, 3) buy the perfectly good phone that my tech friend ditched after 6 months, 4) or any other way I feel like acquiring my phone.