This has been beaten to death. While it's unfortunate some people don't have broadband in their area, it's ultimately not VZW responsibility to provide that (unless the govt steps in under that scenario, and they probably should).
Otherwise VZW has never sold or marketed it's MOBILE data as broadband replacement. They are fully within their rights to put an end to that practice. There's nothing unfair about it. The free ride is coming to an end. We can all be disappointed, but we really have nothing to complain about.
As much as it pains me to say this, I have to agree. If people never had the feature and hadn't grown to depend upon it, they'd have no argument at all, not that the argument they are making now is relevant.
Furthermore, some people have terribly abused the "feature" with root and hacks (including Foxfi and others), to obtain access, essentially bypassing the roadblocks put in place and violating their "agreement of terms", so although Verizon had been aware of the unauthorized use, they've also quietly ignored it for the most part.
Unfortunately as more and more discover these hacks, and as the level of abuses increases, there comes a point where the service provider feels compelled to take a position to enforce their contracts. By eliminating the Unlimited Data, they effectively amputate the greatest of abusers and don't really hurt the masses.
For me, it will be a non-issue. I am at 2.008GB used for the month so far, and even though I have unlimited data, I've never exceeded 4GB (yet).
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