From page 40 to now 
Every 2 yrs its the same routine.

You know, somewhere in this thread someone was saying that they are losing money on the residential service because of everyone going cellular and doing away from home land line service. Thats crap! Look, I got rid of my home line. It was $50 a month and it was only ONE number. I went cellular and now have 3 numbers on my account and will have 3 more soon due to my kids growing up. So, drop $50 but adding $100's. I wouldn't say thats losing money
I think they are all the same, just that Vodafone has the split agreement with VZ on the "W" side. Everytime their quarterly reports come out, the land line loses while the W side is the money maker. If they were seperate, then VZW would file their own reports.I understand that. I was just saying that if Verizon Wireless and Verizon regular are separate then if ones losing money the other isn't necessarily. One has no affect on the others bottom line.
They should make loss leaders on the phones and quietly increase some app prices. I'm sure that would generate more money. More folks would hop on for a cheaper top of the line phone and have extra case for apps.The whole idea behind an HTC Rezound being $600 actual price is ridiculous. The entire "subsidized phone" spiel is pure marketing crap.
What did that one site say the cost of iPhone parts was? Like $140? And the retail price is $600?
VZ FiOS doesn't do that (give you the discount). Or else everyone hates me. I have to play the Vz/Bright House game for lower prices. I was at $90 for FiOS triple play. @ yrs was up and they didn't want to offer me the same deal as new customers. I went to Brighthouse for a month, got a free 1 month certificate, had to force them to give me a wifirouter (the tech told me what to say to customer service even though initially they denied me 2 times with a supervisor), then dropped BH to go back to Vz for cheaper and with a $300 gift card. So the time it took for VZ FiOS to get a tech out (a line was cut too from BH) to install, redig the line and the yard, the $300 gift card, was MORE than if VZ just gave me the discount initially. Their loss.One point that might be totally wrong and is just my opinion or guess is that with companies like this these costs are shared. Think of any cable or phone company, if you build a house they have to run a cable to your house to give you service. If you are not way off the road they absorb (or pass on) all this cost. So your monthly bill is $99 or whatever just like Joe Schmoe who had his service for years and hasn't even had a service call in a decade or w/e. The cost is spread out over all the subscribers to keep adding subscribers to the pot.
I used to work in the electronic security industry, very similar you can get a new system from some companies for $99 and sign for two years at $35+ a month. Okay so after that two years your price doesnt go down to $19 a month, you are now paying for the next new customer. Then in a few years your system is going to crap out or get hit by lightning and since they want to keep customers up they will usually replace your system free if you are on contract!
Every 2 yrs its the same routine.
But the fact you had to pull a few teeth shows they didn't care initially.I truly believe that Verizon still cares about there customers. They proved it to me when I had a hardware issue with (5+) moto devices. They stepped up and did the right thing because I was a good customer for so long, though I had to pull a few teeth they did come through in the end!
This is definitely about keeping margins up, as a former business owner I know businesses aim to make a 40% margin or about 35% profit over and above costs (including salaries). The economy I am sure has had some impact on their business as well (lost 10+ phones my business had). This is why the elected officials tell you we will tax those big bad corporations for all those profits, watch out because their prices will go up to cover these taxes! They wont just let their margins drop.
Not everyone. I could care less about tethering. I want to play Google Music without fear of limits. I can use Google Music a few days for 30 minutes at a time and i'm at 2+GB.Isn't that why many are battling to keep Unlimited plan?
Google Music?Well I just passed 15gb for this month and not sure why my usage went up so much I'm normally around 8-9gb. But I just started using pandora again this month but don't see how it could bump my usage so much!
I've looked at ATT again, and with their rollover minutes (I usually use 400-ish minutes on a 700 min plan) so if I was to downgrade to that plan and start building up rollover, i'd be set. The only difference is that with work, I get 20% discount on Vzw primary line and data, and ATT is just 15%.I've never really understood the "VZW is so expensive arguments". When I've looked at competing plans for myself, the difference is like $5 a month. I could see multiple lines or family plans being fairly expensive on VZW, but I think they've largely addressed that and continue to do so.