Silver Member
This is an interesting point IMO, I wonder if VZW would be smart enough to increase the Data bucket sizes when they go to family plans and then possibly in the future offer an unlimited 4G $40 a month plan for those who need it!
Recently I have been using more wifi, but after using only 500 MB last month I am thinking maybe we need to all increase the average use to get those numbers up. If they are basing their packages on average use it might make sense to drive them up to show them what is really needed when wifi isnt available. In July I plan on a trip out of state where I will be 4G/3G the entire time, I am sure i will hit 2G in that week alone!
As mentioned before I welcome the family data plans but they need to get the pricing vs. quantity right!
Verizon will certainly make it so you'll save some money by switching to the tiered plans. The question is, how much? I rather enjoy the security of unlimited and it would have to be a pretty damn good deal to get me off of it. I'll just buy my phones outright until that no longer grandfathers me. But VZ will NEVER....I repeat NEVER offer unlimited anything again. They're trying so hard to push people off of it now. They don't want to open the flood gates again. Sure, they can't throttle 4G at this time, but that doesn't mean they want you using unlimited amounts of it.