20 or so so far in this thread threaten to leave. Even if, though I highly doubt they all will, they all leave, let's say 1 million customers leave,Verizon will still have in excess of 80 million customers will still be on board and manyof those that leave will be data hogs only increasing Verizon's bottom line potential.
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A Rezound phone was used for this Tapatalk post
My talk of jumping ship really has nothing to do with "sticking it to Verizon", "Talking with my Wallet", or going elsewhere for my unlimited data. Like MissionImprobable said a few posts back - with most things being equal in major metro areas between the major carriers the one thing that kept me on VZW was the data plan. If that is taken away from me, there isn't much else to keep me from going to a carrier that has a device that I want.
I couldn't care less if VZW notices I changed carriers or not because I will be happy with my new device that they probably will never have and definitely never update it if they do release it.