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Verizon Tech here - ask away!

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I would really like to know if verizon knows whats going on with the droid deleting all your text messages, even the locked ones. it's not an issue with auto delete. this has happened to me 5 times and it's getting old.

Have not had that problem personally and have not encountered anyone who had that problem. Do you have ALOT of messages? Anything you do to cause it to erase them? Does the app crash or they are just randomly gone when you go into your messages?
Im not the only one. i have read numerous posts on it. the apps not crashing they are just up and gone. i wouldn't say i have a lot maybe 400-500 total. i have read of people having way more and not being deleted. i don't know if it has to do with the amount of messeges or not cause there was one time i didn't have very many maybe 200 and they got erased.
I am having the same problem. Twice since the update all of my SMS threads disappeared. I do not use a third party app and my messages had not been anywhere near the 200 messages per thread limit.
Okay, I am not a stupid person (others would disagree), but I can't find the question mark up on the slide up keyboard. I am hitting the "alt" key and then the "sym" key and it does not show one. Am I losing my frickin mind? Go ahead and take your shots, but if you can help, I would appreciate it. Have a great day.

you dont need to hit alt..its right next to the enter/return key
silent mode

when in silent mode alerts for email/text msgs are now silent. this happened since the upgrade to the os about a week ago. checked all settings and it should work but doesnot. also have missed calls installed and still the same when the phone is in silent mode everything is? help!!
Okay, I am not a stupid person (others would disagree), but I can't find the question mark up on the slide up keyboard. I am hitting the "alt" key and then the "sym" key and it does not show one. Am I losing my frickin mind? Go ahead and take your shots, but if you can help, I would appreciate it. Have a great day.

next to the letter L, and the enter key you should find a question mark
Hey everyone. I just registered for this site. Seems like a great place to be. I do Tech Support for Verizon in-store and know all of the phones pretty well. I am here to answer any questions you might have (let's try to keep it related to the Droid) that you might not have the answer to. Please keep in mind, I'm not a developer and I'm not going to be able to tell you that why such and such app isn't working on your phone. I'm here to answer questions related to Verizon and how the Droid works with Verizon's network and any tech related questions related to the Droid.

Feel free to ask whatever questions you have, and mods, if there is a better place for this thread, please feel free to move it :) Thanks guys. I look forward to helping you.

A couple quick things...

1.) First and foremost, I'm here to TROUBLESHOOT and provide answers to help you with your phone. If you are looking for leaked information about new phones or you want credits on your account, you've come to the wrong place. None of that will be happening here. I just need to make sure this is 100% clear.
2.) This seems like this is really catching on here, so I will keep this post up to date with common issues and fixes to things so you don't have to go through the entire thread for answers.
3.) Please understand, this is not my full-time job to sit here and wait for someone to post something so I can respond. I'm doing this to help you guys and answer questions.
4.) That being said, you might see that I don't get to answer questions for 12+ hours. Don't worry, I will answer them, but it will take some time to do so.
5.) On that note, for simple issues, it might be more beneficial for you to search and read through some threads instead of awaiting a response from me on a question about battery life, for example. There is no set answer, it would be best for you to search around, find a thread that is already created for that topic, and take a read through. I'm not saying I don't want to answer those questions, but you might get an answer faster that way and learn more in the process.

Common Tech Solutions and Tips

- Improve Call Audio Quality (Doesn't seem to work if you have anything to do with Alltel!)

  • Dial ##7764726 (##PROGRAM) and act as if you were going to call that number.
  • Enter 000000 for the SPC Password and then tap Verify
  • Tap on "04 Vocode"
  • Tap on EVRC-B than Apply
  • The phone should automatically reset a few seconds afterward. If not, power cycle the phone
  • Explanation - This changes how the phone compresses and decompressed the call audio which improves the quality.
- Safe Mode

  • With the phone off, slide open the keyboard open
  • Press and hold the Power+Menu button (on the keyboard)
  • Continue to hold until the "Droid Eye" comes up and you feel the phone vibrate
  • Phone should start up and say "Safe Mode" in the bottom left-hand corner
  • Explanation - This starts only the core Android processes. This is best used for diagnosing if a 3rd party application is causing your phone to malfunction or if you cannot uninstall if when in regular mode.
  • TRY THIS FIRST if you are having any problems with your phone acting up, especially with the built-in Android apps (example - Messaging app is crashing. Boot in Safe Mode. If app doesn't crash when doing what you were doing in regular mode, it's most likely going to be a 3rd party app with access to messaging that is causing a problem.)
  • BE AWARE that after coming out of Safe Mode, 3rd party widgets might not display properly on the home screen. Press and hold on the widget and drag it down into the trash can, then readd it to the home screen. This will fix the "problem loading widget" error.
- Multiple Facebook Entries for a Contact

  • From the Home Screen, go to Settings > Accounts and Sync
  • Tap on your email assigned to your Facebook
  • Tap on "Remove Account"
  • Go back a menu and tap "Add Account"
  • Select "Facebook" and set it up again
- Contacts No Longer in Contacts List

  • Go to Contacts > Menu > Display Options.
  • Tap on your GMail account to drop down that list
  • Check everything in that list
  • Back out and they should be in there
  • Explanation - Sometimes after a SW update, the contacts groups will go back to default and "hide" some (or possibly all) of your contacts.


- What was changed with the 2.0.1 Update?

- After the 2.0.1 update, the Browser lags! Why?? When will this be fixed?

  • It has been suggested that what is slowing it down is that the phone is now keeping full image quality even while scrolling instead of lower image quality while scrolling and than full quality when not scrolling. At this time, Verizon hasn't issued a way to correct this. If this changes, I will update this.
- When will tethering be officially supported by Verizon?

  • This fix is projected for sometime in Q1 '10. The hold up is that Access Manager isn't compatible with the Android phones yet and doesn't have the drivers built-in to get the phone to tether.
- When is new software coming out for the Droid??

  • Because I value my job, this is not something that I can post on this site. You may have heard about a future update(s). I can't really say if that is correct or not. Information gets leaked, but it won't be from me.
- How about new Android phones??

  • Again, I can't really talk about that. Truthfully, you will probably read about it online before many people at Verizon know.
I will continue to add to this as this thread grows. If you feel that anything should be added, please PM me and I will take care of it.
Like other Droid users, apparently I cannot forward email with an attachment included. But, I have a workaround that is not particularly elegant but gets the job done. I go into my gmail account online (I have two email accounts on the phone the aforementioned Gmail and a Yahoo pop account) then find the enmail I wish to forward and do so out of the online email program. Although, this works I shouldn't have to take this route. Any suggestions?
Have not had that problem personally and have not encountered anyone who had that problem. Do you have ALOT of messages? Anything you do to cause it to erase them? Does the app crash or they are just randomly gone when you go into your messages?
Im not the only one. i have read numerous posts on it. the apps not crashing they are just up and gone. i wouldn't say i have a lot maybe 400-500 total. i have read of people having way more and not being deleted. i don't know if it has to do with the amount of messeges or not cause there was one time i didn't have very many maybe 200 and they got erased.
I am having the same problem. Twice since the update all of my SMS threads disappeared. I do not use a third party app and my messages had not been anywhere near the 200 messages per thread limit.

That's odd, guys. I have thousands of texts in my phone and have increased the limit from 200 SMS to 5000 SMS per thread and I haven't had any problems with losing messages, not once.

If you want to use the regular Messaging app and nothing else, I would say the phone should be replaced. It's just probably not going to do that when you go into the store so they might not want to replace it as it has to be verified that it's happening.

If you want to try another approach, download Handcent. I have that and it is a phenomenal SMS app. Easily customizable and alot of options to make it work how you want it to. Maybe in this case, a 3rd part app will fix the problem if you want to go that approach.

I downloaded all the apps I had on my previous droid. So this resetting shouldn't be happening correct?

I'm sorry, what do you mean? You backed them up? Are you talking about resetting the device? Please be more specific so I can help you.

Is Verizon/Motorola aware of the issue that attachments are not forwarded when forwarding a POP3 e-mail message?? The only way to accomplish the task is save the attachments from the original e-mail and than reattach them to the newly created forwarded e-mail before sending.

Like other Droid users forwarded email does not include an attachment. I found an inelegant workaround. I have both a gmail and yahoo pop account on the droid. By accessing the accounts online from the droid and then finding the desired email I send it from the online account. It works, but I should not have to do this.

Perhaps someone has a solution that will aloow forwarded email directly from the droid to include attachments.


I don't know what it is, but I do not have a problem with forwarding attachments. I sent myself a .zip and hit forward and it showed that it was going to send the attachment. I never actually tried sending it, so are you saying it looks like it is going to send it and than it rips it out when it sends?

It would be nice to send out a mass text message and be able to just go down the contact list and pick the recipients, any idea if that will ever be an option?

The HTC Eris allows this, it's an HTC thing. You can use Handcent SMS and that program will do it. Excellent program, IMO.

ViperBoy, I have a question about the native gmail app.

With the web interface mail.google.com, there is an option to have multiple sender addresses, and select which from address I'd like to use on an email by email basis. I don't see that option with the droid gmail app. Is it missing from the app or have I not found it yet?


You mean choosing if the recipient sees that you sent it from gmail1@gmail.com or gmail2@gmail.com? That isn't something I'm aware of that you can do. However, I don't have a second GMail setup on my phone, so I don't see that option. If I had someone's phone with a second GMail, I could take a look, but I haven't ever heard of a way to do that on the Droid.

Okay, I am not a stupid person (others would disagree), but I can't find the question mark up on the slide up keyboard. I am hitting the "alt" key and then the "sym" key and it does not show one. Am I losing my frickin mind? Go ahead and take your shots, but if you can help, I would appreciate it. Have a great day.

you dont need to hit alt..its right next to the enter/return key

Everyone (including me!) was puzzled by this for the first few seconds they had the phone in their hand. Don't worry :)

when in silent mode alerts for email/text msgs are now silent. this happened since the upgrade to the os about a week ago. checked all settings and it should work but doesnot. also have missed calls installed and still the same when the phone is in silent mode everything is? help!!

So the phone is in silent mode and your alerts are silent? I don't see the problem :confused:
Quote: Originally Posted by NyczVegeta85
Viper hey, its me again. I actually swapped my phone in today after the previous droid I had was resetting randomly altogther about 3-4 times in about a month that I had it. And I was hoping this one didnt do it but what do i know? it reset randomly once again the first day I get it. Does yours reset? should I go to a different store and swap for a new one again? I hear alot of people are having this problem and I was also hoping the 2.01 update would have fixed this but maybe it is a hardware issue? I'm getting up to a point where I'm really frustrated and annoyed that I might have to go get it swapped for a 2nd time now... the responese i read from people today was that 3rd times a charm and that they never had it reset after. What do you think please help man!

Hmm, wow. Did you have any 3rd party apps installed when it crashed?

I re-installed the same apps I had on my previous droid. Does yours randomly reset sometimes? I don' think it should be resetting at all from what I hear.
Hi Viperboy,
First of all, thanks for doing this.

I have reached the end of my rope with this problem. I have talked with both Verizon and Motorola and both of them say it is a Google problem but, of course, you can't talk with them. You are my last hope.

I have a MO Droid. I have 2 calendars on google. First is the default calendar and the second is a calendar I created on google. When I add an event from the Droid and it syncs with google, it ends up on google as if I invited others. So, when I sync the google calendar with ical on my mac, I cannot edit the event because it doesn't think I created it. It looks like the Droid account is not being recognized by google. I reluctantly did a factory reset on my Droid last night and reconnected the google account. It didn't help.

I think my Google calendar may be corrupt but I'm not sure. And, I don't know what to do about it.

Any suggestions?
Very odd! Did you try removing the account and readding? If so, I'm wondering if it is something with Hotmail. I have not run into this issue in the stores.

I tried adding and removing multiple times and finally switched to K9 mail since it would allow me to have 100 messages pulled by default. I've culled my inboxes down to below 100 so I don't keep getting notifications. None of the accounts are hotmail. 2 are company POP3 accounts and the other is yahoo.

Thanks anyway!
Market ghost uninstall fix?

I downloaded Myspace from the Market to my phone and then uninstalled it from my phone through the Apps sections and not while in Market. Market for some reason still thinks it's installed.. Sort of. It says it's installed, but it won't let me open it, uninstall it, or redownload it. The program is no longer on the phone. From what I've been reading, people are having this problem with various programs where something gets messed up when uninstalling program. It greys out Run and Uninstall, and won't let you redownload it. The supposed fix is a wipe or if I could download or copy the Myspace Mobile APK file onto the phone, install it, then uninstall it through Market it should fix the ghost file. I've looked all over for the apk for Myspace 1.7 but can't seem to find it to reinstall it on my phone since I can't do it through Market because it doesn't give me the option to download it again even though it's not on the phone. Any suggestions? Where can I download the APK for Myspace 1.7 other than Market? Thanks in advance!
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sorry for the confusion. my fault. instead of saying silent mode i meant to say sound off. when i have the swipe key set to sound off my alert sounds are also off even though they say they are enabled.
First let me thank you viperboy for all your help here. I went through each of the 40+ pages and didn't see this asked so I apologize if it has.

I've had my DROID for a little over a month now and occasionally (maybe once a week) it shuts off on it's own and I can't turn it back on. I have to remove the battery and put it back in and it will start right up and work just fine. I thought the new 2.0.1 update might have fixed this but it happened again today.

It is not from the battery going dead (it was at 90% when it happened today) and I'm not pressing buttons because it was just sitting on my desk. I don't have any 3rd party apps installed or anything like that. Do you know what would cause this? Should I consider getting it replaced?
The USB cable is not sufficient to charge the device. You need to use the plug it came with and charge it off a regular wall plug. The Droid take too much juice for the USB's that come with the computer.

I had the same problem a month ago when I bought mine and was told this by support. Since then no problems.
My droid charges using the USB plugged into my laptop. I've charged it to 100% from 60% this way.
The USB cable is not sufficient to charge the device. You need to use the plug it came with and charge it off a regular wall plug. The Droid take too much juice for the USB's that come with the computer.

I had the same problem a month ago when I bought mine and was told this by support. Since then no problems.
My droid charges using the USB plugged into my laptop. I've charged it to 100% from 60% this way.
it will charge just VERY SLOWLY. and if you are using it, it pretty much just hovers at the same percent.
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