Comparing this to an ISP though is a bad analogy. Hell, I get more from my ISP: Faster internet, unlimited bandwidth, and HDTV...all for the same price. So how is it that Comcast can charge me 79.99 for all of this, but i'm paying over 80 for slower service and limited access...
It seems to me that mobile data and calling plans are in general way over priced. And if they are going to start tiering plans, saying that some of us are using more than our share, shouldn't I be allowed to drop my voice plan on my droid? I NEVER use a single minute...I use google voice to call everyone, yet I have to pay some 30 to 40 bucks for a voice plan? If they want to give people more flexibility to only pay for what they use, then let us drop the voice and ill gladly foot the bill for more data.