People can complain all they want. However, it is the future. You will have a few choices in the future.
1. Leave Verizon, but chances are the same or similar tier will be at a new provider. Maybe some of those smaller providers will not follow suit, but then you will not have the same coverage in most areas in the USA.
2. Stay and pay the price.
3. Drop your usage. Spend less time on the phone and more time getting outdoors.dancedroid
3. Throw the phone in the drawer and go back to the days when land lines were the only means of communication.
Verizon as well as the other companies are in business to make a profit. Their costs for equipment, land leases, employees, benefits, etc., go up every year. They are then forced to raise their rates to pay these higher costs and to still make a darn good profit for their share holders. Failure to do so results in cuts in service and then eventually out of business sales.
I would imagine they are paying a high price to go LTE, who do you think is going to pay for this? We are and if we want good service, faster speeds, new ideas, then we have to pay.
And by the way, to those who are name calling, I have to ask, would you do that in person, or only via the internet? Just a rhetorical question since I know the answer and I will not be visiting this thread anymore. When the name calling starts, I figure the thread has degenerated into a kindergarten atmosphere, something I can do without.
Now, how do I turn off that Instant Notification request....:icon_evil:
I don't agree with tiered data packages, but what you say does make sense. And as far as the name calling, I am more apt to do it in person, than over the internet, internet gangsters annoy me.