There is no gray area man. What is the gray area. I can tell you the black and white area: Not allowed by TOS. Can you conceptualize the gray area? Cuz I don't see it. Saying it's not fair for light tetherers is not a gray area. That's just people trying to justify circumventing a paid service.
What are people paying for. What service. They not using the VZW app, they not using a VZW computer. You already paid for the phone and the data. So other than lining VZW pockets what extra feature does me paying $20 get me. It's a dinosaur plan for blackberry devices. No special switch goes on, no magic power source, nothing other than VZW getting paid. I pay the $20 bucks and if you ask me I should be paying the money to the devs of pdanet and wifi tether for making better apps.
sent from droidforums app
The service of tethering, which Verizon distinguished as a service and you agreed to. How do you not get that?
The problem with tether-er's arguments are that it always go back to this moral issue. "It's not fair, I already paid". What you're missing, or refuse to accept, is that tethering is not included in your data allotment. There is no gray area. You are not allowed to tether if you don't pay. It doesn't matter if it's the same data, if it's a laptop, or you tether your dog. They want $20 bucks if you tether, you agreed to it, and then you found a way to do it without paying $20.'re wrong.
The "gray area" is that you don't want to admit that you're stealing (not talking about you, I'm talking about the people who swear they're right)
Really, stealing what? Itz like VZW saying you can't use google maps because you didn't agree to the $15 a month for vznavigator and that they are the ones transferring your data. Its their GPS in your phone too, I bet. And the wireless card.
As long as you're not going of your infinite but now somehow finite data plan usage, you can use that data how you please; if I wanna transfer it to and from my other devices using my own airwaves, that is my business.
Stealing what? Tethering is not a service that VZW can even consider offering. Its not their domain. I could swear there are some verizon reps in here right now. Hahaha.
What's next? No more google voice? No more free visual voicemail? No more almost free voIP? They could do that you know, if tethering is against TOS. Tethering doesn't make you use anymore data than usual bro. Without tethering you can still run bit torrent clients on your phone, downloading huge amounts of data, same as a pc. Those are probably against TOC too though huh?
By user tethering, no extra labor and no extra cost are incurred by VZW. They simply wish to get more money out of your pocket for things that are already free.