You might have to stop by a Verizon store for that. I went around looking on their site the other day and it was impossible to find even the current contract terminology. And considering your contract is printed on the receipt when you buy the phone, I don't believe they have your signature anywhere. (though, don't think this is any loophole... Their lawyers are smart enough to have figured a way around it to keep you liable)
yeah i'm sure there's a provision that says "use of our service implies you agree" or something to that effect. a physical signature at the bottom of a page labeled "Terms of Service" isn't necessary, I'm sure.
It's in the customer agreement:
How Do I Accept This Agreement?
You accept this agreement by:
Agreeing in writing, by email, over the phone, or in person;
Opening a package that says you are accepting by opening it; or
Activating your Service.
When you accept, you're representing that you are at least 18 years old and are legally able to accept an agreement. If you're accepting for an organization, you're representing that you are authorized to bind that organization, and where the context requires, "you" means the organization.
If you don't want to accept, don't do any of these things. If you do accept, you can cancel a line of Service within 14 days of accepting without having to pay an early termination fee as long as you return any equipment you purchased from us at the time you accepted, but you'll still have to pay for your Service through that date. If you signed up for Prepaid Service, no refunds will be granted after 14 days or if your account has been activated.