Does anyone know how they plan to differeniate the people that tether and do not tether? Simply going by data usage doesn't seem like a viable method. I don't directly know the capablities of the verizon to know where the data is going or if they just know the data is going to the phone.
I do agree though if a person if using over 10 gigs its hard to believe that they aren't tethering quite often.
I've tried debating this issue earlier and I just got called stupid and everything else.
Someone said they candidates do it this way. I said what about this that can stop it. In the end I was the one called names because I questioned what they had to say.
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Some of the ways they can tell is by the protocols used to fetch the data. Torrents use certain ones, so on and so forth. Now I have posed the question once before about if I was looking at my email account from my phone versus my computer who could really tell? Seeing as I can have the website on my phone open using the full website and not the mobile one. But i think the main issue here is that no matter what, it's illegal in the eyes of verizon. It's like trying to run from the cops... will you get away once in awhile.. maybe.. will they find you in the end? ... almost 100%
And I do believe that tethers know that. Just seems everyone thinks they don't.
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