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VZW disabling tethering apps from market

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If people are going to keep comparing tether to an all you can eat buffet then i believe they should do the comparison correctly. Tethering is not like bringing your children or five friends to eat off your plate. If I was allowing everyone who is standing next to me to use my tethering then I can see why you can say that. But only I am using my tethering, it is my internet that I already paid for and should not have to pay for it twice. You can say this is like me bringing a bigger plate to eat off of so i can eat faster but i am not sharing it only I am using it. Saying I cant use my web that i pay for on my phone for my laptop or my ipod to download small apps which is the only reason i tether is like a cable company saying i am paying for the internet at home but not alowed to use a router to send a single to my cell-ipod-laptop- and or any other device. Are they going to start charging me extra at home now for every device I want to use on my wifi single. One person here said it right. If they want to cap us at say five gigs fine, as long as the wifi in that case is no extra charge. Charginbg us 20 bucks for two gigs is crazy i can see 20 bucks for unlimeted wifi use but two gigs. Or maybe someone like me who maybes uses half a gig to one gig a month every third month since most months i dont use it at all. you can charge us a reasonable 5 bucks a month. I have been working in the cell industry for ten yrs now and i have never sold the 20 service for any company people rather not use it or yell at me saying im already paying for it and i agree with them

I will have to look for the post, but over in one of the Thunderbolt threads, someone was bragging about not abusing unlimited phone data even though he had already used 135GB in his cycle. Tethering his laptop all the time to his TB. That right there is why all the carriers are going to do something to keep usage down. Cell towers have a LIMITED number of connections they can maintain at any time, and someone using his smartphone to replace his home ISP is totally and completely ABUSING his TOS. Unlimited data on your smartphone is not the same as unlimited data for everything I can hook up to my cell phone at all times. They are just not one in the same. You are kidding yourself if you think the cost is the same to transmit 1GB of data across cell towers as it is to transmit the same data over a long ago buried copper line.
Lol I've gotta ask. Are people really surprised? No...really?

Securing a brighter nba/nhl future via tapatalk

I just wish there was a way to track everyone who claims to be leaving VZW and see who actually follows through. These threads are honestly starting to take on a tone of people complaining about gas prices (lol, "gouging" has even been thrown around more than a few times!)
If people are going to keep comparing tether to an all you can eat buffet then i believe they should do the comparison correctly. Tethering is not like bringing your children or five friends to eat off your plate. If I was allowing everyone who is standing next to me to use my tethering then I can see why you can say that. But only I am using my tethering, it is my internet that I already paid for and should not have to pay for it twice. You can say this is like me bringing a bigger plate to eat off of so i can eat faster but i am not sharing it only I am using it. Saying I cant use my web that i pay for on my phone for my laptop or my ipod to download small apps which is the only reason i tether is like a cable company saying i am paying for the internet at home but not alowed to use a router to send a single to my cell-ipod-laptop- and or any other device. Are they going to start charging me extra at home now for every device I want to use on my wifi single. One person here said it right. If they want to cap us at say five gigs fine, as long as the wifi in that case is no extra charge. Charginbg us 20 bucks for two gigs is crazy i can see 20 bucks for unlimeted wifi use but two gigs. Or maybe someone like me who maybes uses half a gig to one gig a month every third month since most months i dont use it at all. you can charge us a reasonable 5 bucks a month. I have been working in the cell industry for ten yrs now and i have never sold the 20 service for any company people rather not use it or yell at me saying im already paying for it and i agree with them

I will have to look for the post, but over in one of the Thunderbolt threads, someone was bragging about not abusing unlimited phone data even though he had already used 135GB in his cycle. Tethering his laptop all the time to his TB. That right there is why all the carriers are going to do something to keep usage down. Cell towers have a LIMITED number of connections they can maintain at any time, and someone using his smartphone to replace his home ISP is totally and completely ABUSING his TOS. Unlimited data on your smartphone is not the same as unlimited data for everything I can hook up to my cell phone at all times. They are just not one in the same. You are kidding yourself if you think the cost is the same to transmit 1GB of data across cell towers as it is to transmit the same data over a long ago buried copper line.

Come on man don't go and introduce logic into this thread like that...

Securing a brighter nba/nhl future via tapatalk
Lol I've gotta ask. Are people really surprised? No...really?

Securing a brighter nba/nhl future via tapatalk

I just wish there was a way to track everyone who claims to be leaving VZW and see who actually follows through. These threads are honestly starting to take on a tone of people complaining about gas prices (lol, "gouging" has even been thrown around more than a few times!)

Exactly. "If vzw stops me ill just switch!" And when vzw does try to stop them, its the same ppl whining about it again. Vicious cycle that entitlement is...

Securing a brighter nba/nhl future via tapatalk
the orginally iPad 3G came for At&t came with unlimted data for 30 bucks a month. This device will consume alot data as well and the price was fair @ the time it came out. Now look at how the pricing infastructure is now and your point being was?

Promotional pricing likely subsidized by Apple in one way or another. Mobile broadband plans from VZW and AT&T have been capped and quite pricey for some time. So I have no idea why you even bring this up as if it were relevant.

To me it seems somewhat relevant as to what seems others are speaking of what is fair and what is just unacceptable pricing in a down market. Point being is that if you want to increase sales and revenue, bring an acceptable and reasonable plan to market. Kodiak I am not disagreeing with your statements, like some here I see both sides of the matter.

One other point I can make I know some are rooting there TB's to use wifi-tether cause can provide a more stable connection with other devices to tether too cause Verizon's hotspot on some their phones ain't very stable.

And also I know who posted with Kellex and Droid-Life that Verizon did indeed block the Wireless Tether app since they could pull it up on their old Evo.

Thanks, AC
In other news- VRV to start charging $20 extra if you loan your phone to a friend to make a call. If its not your voice on the line expect to pay the loaner fee.

when all the"competing" corps are in collusion it way worse than a monopoly.
Point being is that if you want to increase sales and revenue, bring an acceptable and reasonable plan to market.

True, but lowering price to increase sales does not always results in higher revenues.

And capacity factors into it, as well. VZW could offer unlimited data and unlimited tethering for $30, sign up 200M customers and then have 3/4 of them ditch until the service can match capacity.

VZW has the best coverage and the best service, but people complain when they don't offer more value than TMo or Sprint. You're paying for a premium product. VZW plans are better than AT&T, IMO, and certain plans are extremely price competitive with Sprint - I just don't get the constant VZW bashing around here.

Reality is one person doing 100gigs a month on unlimited tethering is using about 200X what the average user does. I'm sorry, but the idea that you should have free and unlimited tether on an unlimited plan isn't remotely reasonable. 3G was too slow for me to do that and drop home broadband even if it was included in the TOS, but I'd do it with LTE...

I use probably 15-30 gigs a month on home broadband, and could easily be much more if Netflix streamed what I actually would like to watch. Otherwise I average about 1 gig on my Droid. And, yes, free unlimited LTE tether I'd drop home broadband. How much capacity does VZW have? Because in that scenario my usage goes up 20-30X.
Let's be honest, part of the reason we are where we are at are because of the abusers. I am sure devs of pdanet and WiFi tethering made that so people who need to check their email or use their computer at an airport could do so and not pay 20 dollars a month for a tethering plan. VZW tethering plan is a dinosaur and needs to be redone. If you want to take the power out of the hands of unauthorized tethering apps then do so by coming up with a more reasonable plan. Tier you tethering plan.. make it $5 for 2 gigs, 10 for 5 gigs, 20 for 10 gigs. Put a no torrent policy in place and I am sure people will be willing to live with that. Yeah you will always have people complaining about the price regardless. But if you make it reasonable people will look at tethering apps like we do pirating apps.

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kodiak I see your point, lets say there should be some middle ground for the customers and the carriers both. Yet you and I know in this day and time it will never happen with the truth being get'em while we can.

To me I say give an reasonable option like 10GB/including tethering for reasonable dollar $60 or under and anything over excessively charge $5-10 a GB.

Remember to Verizon was the one pushing Netflix and all this mutimedia bonanza back at CES so that as well can take some bandwidth. Yes one could be rationable with data usuage, but it should be defined specifically as how much to stop at!
To me I say give an reasonable option like 10GB/including tethering for reasonable dollar $60 or under and anything over excessively charge $5-10 a GB.

I don't disagree but....Their 10gig mobile broadband card is $80 a month. TMo is $85. Sprint is $50 for unlimited - 4G only (which is hardly anywhere) - and $60 for 5gig at 3G. AT&T is $50 for 5gigs of 3G.

So 10gig INCLUDING tethering (which is a BETTER plan than mobile broadband alone) for less than $80 is a pipe dream. And the fact is, VZW is very competitive on their pricing.

Again, I fail to see where VZW prices are out of line or that they are somehow gouging us vs. other carriers. Now if you want to say prices are too high, then you have a debate but to properly frame that you'd have to look at margins and ROI vs. other telecom/tech companies. And at the end of the day, we really don't need data on our phones. We may think we do, but we honestly don't so if you don't like the prices the answer is fairly obvious.

And let me point out something else about these "exhorbitant" costs: I have paid $40 a month for 450 minutes (used to be just 250 or so) for the past decade - and dropping my landline which is almost a wash. Oh, and throw in free long distance. I use Navigation on my phone - for free - while other people spend a good chunk of change on a Garmin, or get those expensive add-ons for a rental car. Then of course there's Sirius/XM (another waste, IMO), but with Android you really wouldn't have much need for those services. And quite honestly $30 for data is pretty reasonable if one chose to drop home internet because they just need to do the occasional search and email. Oh, and it takes pictures and video.

So for all the talk about how ridiculous cell bills are, they take all these other services and uses and put them in one device and actually have the potential to deliver a NET SAVINGS. When people throw out numbers about what they THINK this should cost or all they feel they should pay, it just sounds rather ignorant to me.
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