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VZW disabling tethering apps from market

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forget that..!!!!!!! everybody tether away....!!!!!! ive paid for the data once.. im not goin to pay twice for something i have unlimited for.... sorry i dont mean to flame or troll... its just these companys dont know how else to rape us... when its bad enuff the people are just trying to mantain a roof over there heads and there still trying to bang you for something youve paid for already...

p.s im gulity of tethering but i dont go over 5 gigs with both phone and tethering together... i dont get greedy and hog up the system... but damn it i should be able to tether if i damn want to

I agree.... Verizon is gettin greedy.
Question for the teathering prudes

I know you are all against teathering to a computer because it uses a TON more data than a phone..
But what if you teathered to a tablet? Wouldn't that be the "same" like data as a phone?

Now before you go off about what V s tos say. Just think about what I am asking.

Ps I don't teather!

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What I think he is saying is that you can no longer download it from the market. I have it on my phone and tried it and it still works just fine. I'm not one that abuses this at all. I use roughly 1-2 gigs a month when tethering. It's just faster and easier to check/send my emails and maintain my fantasy baseball teams using my computer. Kinda figured this would come about. There are other ways to get the app though. This won't be the end of wireless tethering.......but when they decide to start charging people for having the app......I'm out....

I would say that if you really where using 2GB/m then you could call that abuse since 2GB is the cap you get when you pay $20.

Most people use nowhere near that amount though unless they are streaming audio/video.

I use tethering often and find myself using around 200MB I have recently however jumped on the ethical bandwagon and pay $20/m for 1GB on a tablet and since you are actually paying for a specific amount of data with a tablet VZW doesn't consider it stealing to tether a tablet. They do not charge anything extra for tablet tethering since your data is not unlimited while using the tablet.

As far as the blocking the app from the market that is not going to stop very many people but it will stop some. You would be very surprised at how many people learned about the tethering from the market.

Even if vzw stops 1% of people they stopped some people. Anyways I'm sure there where some people out there that thought the apps where legitimate hell they don't say HEY this violates your TOS on the first line of the description do they?

The day VZW stops doing an unlimited plan for $29.99 is the day that I support people stealing the tethering. But until VZW goes tiered you should not think of it as using data you have already paid for. They have clearly left the word UNLIMITED just to ease people minds and they are clear that it is unlimited on the device only!
I already have had all the major tethering apks backed up for some time. However, in light of this new little stunt, I just went ahead and downloaded all the newest versions of PDA Net, Wired Tether, Wireless Tether, and Barnicle from the net onto my computer, where they shall remain there nice and safe, until the 15th of May.
Oh well. I dont tether and would be fine with paying the $20 a month extra for unlimited tethering if i did. I hope that will lead to a softer stance on rooting so we can optimize our own property and theres no reason now for VZW to ne. against it since free tethering was the only logical reason for them to be against rooting
Is VZW aware that you can just .apk the app, and install it? :l Fail.

Ill give you the benefit of the doubt and go ahead and assume that there's no way you believe that they're not aware of this. If you think vzw is going "oh noooo they can sideload apps and we're powerless to prevent it!!!", I will lol.
Maybe Microsoft will open another Android Appstore and make these banned apps available to Android users, all in the name of Liberty and Freedom for the oppressed. :^)

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Well since we're not allowed to "go off about V Tos say" then yeah you're right...but...is that how it works?

"Before you go off about the laws of this country, I'm going to break the laws...think about what I'm saying"...pretty awesome loophole.

Just ignore the TOS and you'll be ok, huh?
Maybe Microsoft will open another Android Appstore and make these banned apps available to Android users, all in the name of Liberty and Freedom for the oppressed. :^)

Sent from my unrooted DroidX using DroidForums app

haha, that would be awesome. If Apple also opens an android appstore that would be even more awesome. I wonder if people will still say "Apple is a cult" if they do that though LOL
It would depend on the tablet, what OS it is running, what apps are available, etc... Besides that all VZW tablets are on a different data plan than phones.

Sent from my DROID2 GLOBAL using Tapatalk
Is VZW aware that you can just .apk the app, and install it? :l Fail.

Ill give you the benefit of the doubt and go ahead and assume that there's no way you believe that they're not aware of this. If you think vzw is going "oh noooo they can sideload apps and we're powerless to prevent it!!!", I will lol.

What they going to do, remotely remove it. Far as I am concerned go ahead, ill just restore it with tibu. The more I think about it the more I side with every one else who are responsible tethers. Czerdrill your arguments seem like you are ok with vzw's tethering policy. I personally ma not ok with it. Am I saying a business do not have a right to make a profit, no but what they are charging for 2gigs is ridiculous and you know it.

On a separate note I called up vzw and asked if I pay the 20 bucks a month, and I will start doing that (basically I will just cancel out the extra discount they added monthly to my bill) can I use a separate tethering app like pdanet because the one vzw provides is unstable. I was told yes. So if I pay 20 bucks a month I should be able to use pdanet and wifi tethering.
Is VZW aware that you can just .apk the app, and install it? :l Fail.

Ill give you the benefit of the doubt and go ahead and assume that there's no way you believe that they're not aware of this. If you think vzw is going "oh noooo they can sideload apps and we're powerless to prevent it!!!", I will lol.

What they going to do, remotely remove it. Far as I am concerned go ahead, ill just restore it with tibu. The more I think about it the more I side with every one else who are responsible tethers. Czerdrill your arguments seem like you are ok with vzw's tethering policy. I personally ma not ok with it. Am I saying a business do not have a right to make a profit, no but what they are charging for 2gigs is ridiculous and you know it.

On a separate note I called up vzw and asked if I pay the 20 bucks a month, and I will start doing that (basically I will just cancel out the extra discount they added monthly to my bill) can I use a separate tethering app like pdanet because the one vzw provides is unstable. I was told yes. So if I pay 20 bucks a month I should be able to use pdanet and wifi tethering.

Not remotely remove it, but didn't AT&T send messages to people who were tethering and tell them they need to sign up? I'm sure Verizon can do that. I will never understand why some people think VZW is not in complete control of their own network. They can absolutely tell if you're tethering, and they can absolutely stop it if they wanted to. I'm sure they're making moves to do just that.

And no, I do not agree with VZW's policy. I think it's the most ridiculous policy on the planet. However, and this is the point that people keep missing. VZW cannot, and will not ever force you to use their service. You are aware of what you're signing up for. That's where everyone's argument falls flat and fails completely. You can't agree to something and then whine about it. If you truly believe that they're screwing you, there's only two options: leave VZW, or take them to court and try to make a change. Whining about it is useless and honestly foolish. Everyone here loves to say "Yo I'm leaving VZW if they keep this up", and "I pays for my data, so I can do what I want" they've been saying that for the past 2 years. Gimme a break. I mean, I guess DF is a good place to vent, but it gets old and its all just internet tough guy talk. No one is leaving VZW and no one is going to do anything about it. So VZW has every right to keep doing what they're doing, because what they're doing is not illegal. Do something about it instead of whining about it.
Ok, so I was just browsing the other carriers sites to get an idea of what the competition does.

T-Mobile - yes unlimited data then the fine print states your speed is only max for the first 2GB - yes you can tether for cheap, but the same thing applies so when you hit 2GB you start going down......

AT&T - $45 for 4GB, yes a little better than VZW, not much.

Sprint - I honestly have no idea other than the fact they included an even more robust statement than T-Mobile and instead of just saying they could rate limit you they said they could stop your data altogether.

I'm with Verizon for quality of service. I was with them before I started at a vendor call center for vzw and I will be with them long after I leave that job.

I believe most of us are with VZW for the same reason.

As for the Alltel change out, yes you can.
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