Ill give you the benefit of the doubt and go ahead and assume that there's no way you believe that they're not aware of this. If you think vzw is going "oh noooo they can sideload apps and we're powerless to prevent it!!!", I will lol.
What they going to do, remotely remove it. Far as I am concerned go ahead, ill just restore it with tibu. The more I think about it the more I side with every one else who are responsible tethers. Czerdrill your arguments seem like you are ok with vzw's tethering policy. I personally ma not ok with it. Am I saying a business do not have a right to make a profit, no but what they are charging for 2gigs is ridiculous and you know it.
On a separate note I called up vzw and asked if I pay the 20 bucks a month, and I will start doing that (basically I will just cancel out the extra discount they added monthly to my bill) can I use a separate tethering app like pdanet because the one vzw provides is unstable. I was told yes. So if I pay 20 bucks a month I should be able to use pdanet and wifi tethering.
Not remotely remove it, but didn't AT&T send messages to people who were tethering and tell them they need to sign up? I'm sure Verizon can do that. I will never understand why some people think VZW is not in complete control of their own network. They can absolutely tell if you're tethering, and they can absolutely stop it if they wanted to. I'm sure they're making moves to do just that.
And no, I do not agree with VZW's policy. I think it's the most ridiculous policy on the planet. However, and this is the point that people keep missing. VZW cannot, and will not ever force you to use their service. You are aware of what you're signing up for. That's where everyone's argument falls flat and fails completely. You can't agree to something and then whine about it. If you truly believe that they're screwing you, there's only two options: leave VZW, or take them to court and try to make a change. Whining about it is useless and honestly foolish. Everyone here loves to say "Yo I'm leaving VZW if they keep this up", and "I pays for my data, so I can do what I want" they've been saying that for the past 2 years. Gimme a break. I mean, I guess DF is a good place to vent, but it gets old and its all just internet tough guy talk. No one is leaving VZW and no one is going to do anything about it. So VZW has every right to keep doing what they're doing, because what they're doing is not illegal. Do something about it instead of whining about it.
I agree with you here. Unlimited data was meant for cell use and we all know that. The reason people (the non abusers) choose an app like pdanet is because vzw is not offering any middle ground. Their tethering plan is a dinosaur. They made that thing for business customers (ie blackberry users). They been going after blackberry tethers for awhile and blackberry users still tether. If vzw really want to stop tethering they come up with a better plan so that people who want to do it legitimately will. Right now people are blurred by the moral compass because they see that if the company is not going to act in good faith then why should I. At the same time that does not give you an excuse to abuse it. I emailed vzw about their tethering plan yesterday stating that they should come up with a plan that is more flexible. If I am a user who tether once a month I would be more willing to pay for a plan that reflect light tether users. Basically tier your plan. Have a $2 for 1 gig, 5 for 2 gig, 10 for 5 gig, 20 for 10 gigs. Will this stop every one from unauthorized tethering, no. But it will cause more people to sign up so the company can actually monitor their network more.