I have a question, a few pages back you were explaining about employee discounts and how verizon periodically reviews the accounts and back charges for the discounts when the employee no longer works for the specific company. My question is, what about employees that retire, are they backcharged? My dad worked for a company for over 30 years who offered him a substantial discount on his verizon plan. He retired but the discount is not specifically listed in his benefits. Should they be worried about possibly being backcharged or what?
Hmm, well the potential is always there but I honestly don't know how this would be treated. Sorry.
Good question, and here's some new info for you folks, straight from our fraud devision. With all of the accounts that they have been finding that are no longer eligable for the employee discount, they have simply been shutting it down and in some cases, backdating the charges. Now, the new info is: they will no longer be backdating charges (unless you are an extreme case and have been abusing your discount substancially). All that will hapen is in your next bill, at the bottom of all the pages, where all of the legal stuff is, willbe a new little box that says somthing to the affect of
"We have noticed a discrepincy in your billing, this discrepency will be taken care of in your next billing cycle, if you have any questions, etcetcetc"
So...no, in my opinion, and from what I have recently leared from my coleagues in fraud, no, your dad is safe, even if vzw finds out, all they will (more than likly) do is cut off the discount.