I'm very close to pulling the trigger on a Verizon phone, but have a question. I was planning on getting the phone through Amazon wireless (they seem to have overall cheaper prices on phones) with a new 2 year contract. I don't presently have a contract with any carrier.
Now, I work for a company that is included in the employee discount program with VZW. Can I order my phone through Amazon, and then still get my discount by calling VZW or something once my contract is set up?
You can get a corporate discount, because they discount the account, not the phone. That said, I would STRONGLY recommend ponying up the extra cash and buying from a VZW corporate store. Anything goes wrong, you will get immediate help. If they can't fix an issue, they will replace there at the store. Just like the network service, you get what you pay for with in-store purchase. VZW does try to monetize EVERYTHING, but they do reinvest it in their network and customer support.