County Mike
New Member
The wifi/cell task shouldn't use your gps at all. It should work much better for you if you are trying to enable wifi.
If you aren't then anywhere you see %loc in a profile, replace it with %locn and it will use your cell tower as the location instead of stale gps coordinates.
I was talking about the lost phone task that sends an SMS with your location in google maps. Using $LOCN doesn't work for me on that one. I get a message from google maps asking if I meant "Lane".
Does anyone have a "lost phone" task that returns the most accurate location, even if indoors? I'm guessing the GPS location is most accurate if your phone is outdoors but cell phone towers to narrow it down if indoors.
If you are using $LOCN that is wrong its %LOCN.
Other than that I will have to test it this evening after soccer and I will get back to you.
Sorry, I did use %. Just messed up in this thread. %LOCN doesn't seem to work for me but I'll keep working on it. Thanks.