Weird, I don't have a problem with my setup.K, Nebula I tested your wifi off by leaving my house today. It took over 15 min of me being disconnected from my network and still in my cell near zone before the wifi on profile kicked off!
Are we making this off profile too difficult? Shouldn't the wifi on profile just turn off and stay off until it's wifi near again within a minute of being disconnected from home network, leaving just the home profile on?
It seems to me that in the wifi off profile if we just had the: wait 1 minute until %WIFIC=0, the Wifi set off and the profile status wifi on set off. It would work.
Maybe I'm way off, you are the expert.
I tested yours in the same config in which you gave it to me (with out the things I noticed needed to be changed yesterday) and saw what you saw with it.
As far as you still having issues with the new one I am not sure why.
Turning the Wifi near profile to off as you suggest would leave it off and it wouldn't come back on unless we added that to another profile, say the cell near profile. But then we would have to leave the cell near area.
What if we did this.
In the Wifi On profile we add all the stuff that Connected does. We still leave connected there so that if you connect to a random access point, wifi will turn off when you are out of range but we just duplicate it in the wifi near profile.
I think that would work better for you. The only thing I can think is happening to you is that your still reading your router after Wifi Off goes through all its stuff but you aren't connecting to the router so Wifi Off stays disabled.
Before you try the idea above change the wait in the beginning of wifi off to 3 minutes and see how it works tomorrow or when ever you leave your house next. Also how are you monitoring the profiles? Are you watching the notification pull down?